
How do I set up the online checkout to accept Digital items and Shipping items on the same checkout?

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How do I set up the online checkout to accept Digital items and Shipping items on the same checkout?

I have several items on my store.  Some are digital others are physical items  When the customers selects a digital item and selects a physical, and then they look at their cart,  there is an "error" message at the top of the screen that basically says.  "items in your cart have different fulfillment methods, you must purchase them separately.      How do we allow both types so the customer doesn't have to do multiple transactions? 



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2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: One time Checkout for digital and physical pickup

Thanks for your post, @eagleboosters


There isn't a way right now to do this unless you change all your non-physical items to physical or vice versa. I'm merging your post into a feature request thread about this so you can get updated if we do support checking out with both in a single cart.


Verified Answer

How do I set up the online checkout to accept Digital items and Shipping items on the same checkout?

I have several items on my store.  Some are digital others are physical items  When the customers selects a digital item and selects a physical, and then they look at their cart,  there is an "error" message at the top of the screen that basically says.  "items in your cart have different fulfillment methods, you must purchase them separately.      How do we allow both types so the customer doesn't have to do multiple transactions? 



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I realize that a lot of time has passed since your original post. But I thought that others might like to hear my work around. (It seems to be working??) We are a non profit that sells merchandise and many of our patrons ask whether they can give a donation, alongside their merchandise purchases. I created an item named "donation". Square automatically registers this as a 'digital item'. I went in and changed it to a 'physical item'--the same classification of our t-shirts and hats. While I am unable to offer a "custom amount" option using this route, I am able to create fixed dollar options for our supporters to select. This allows the transactions to go through simultaneously alongside any merchandise that they are buying. It's not a perfect workaround, but it seems to be working so far! For regular donations--ones made through our regular website and not our 'shopping cart'--we use a different system where customers can select the amount that they want to give. It is not connected to any shipping or pick up options so there is no issue there. I do wish that Square would fix this issue, though, so that we could more seamlessly offer digital or non-physical options alongside physical options. It is a huge limitation.