
Feature Request: Limit the quantity of an item a customer can purchase on my Square Online website

Feature Request: Limit the quantity of an item a customer can purchase on my Square Online website

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How do I Limit the Quantity A Customer Can Purchase of an Item?


I have a very limited number inventory on an item in my online store. Is there a way to limit the number a customer can purchase in a single transaction? Example: "Limit 4 per Customer".




1 Verified Answer
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Re: How do I Limit the Quantity A Customer Can Purchase of an Item?

This is not available at this time but a great Feature that would be.  

201 Replies

@Ellie_  or any other Square Employee,

What's the Product Team saying about this? Any update?  Sounds like this would be very useful for a lot of people. (Read as: We need this too, please!) 

Would it move faster if more people "liked" it?  If so, everyone please "like" this!


Hi @dgreensbbq - we don't have a way yet to limit the quantity of a specific item that can be purchased in an order. 

However, a number of people in this thread have asked for the ability to limit the total number of items in an order, regardless of which specific item it is. We do have that functionality, which can be accessed by heading to your Square Online dashboard, clicking 'Pickup and Delivery' under the Fulfillment menu, and then clicking 'Advanced settings' in the top right corner. From there, you can edit your Large order settings.


Read this help article for more details:



@faheem - Yeah I saw that. We're only doing Shipping from our Online store at the moment so I'm not sure this applies? Please keep us posted. Thanks. 

Square Community Moderator

You are correct, @dgreensbbq The order limit only applies to pickup and delivery orders at this time. 


We appreciate you voicing your feedback about this feature request, and we'll make sure to forward it along to the team. 

I am also looking for an update on the feature to limit the qty a customer purchase a specific item online (pickup and shipping).

This request is over 3 and a gf years old.

20 something pages of square customers are asking for this feature.


Square is not listening to their user base. 

In a truly Agile software dev team this feature would be spec'd, tested and released in 2 - 2 week sprints.


Nothing to see here folks, just move on to another provider if you need this feature...

I need this feature as well. How is there not a way too limit the quantity a customer can add to cart looks like it has been almost 4 years 😞

Just chiming in to say we would also find this feature very helpful.

Could really use this feature as a bakery. We only have a limited amount of items per day, especially for a few of our less popular options, so limiting quantities would be ideal to prevent someone ordering too many and us having to call them, arrange replacements or cancel the order.

Twenty pages of requests over 5 1/2 years and no movement on the part of Square. If we ran our businesses like that, we would be out of business.