
Feature Request: Limit the quantity of an item a customer can purchase on my Square Online website

Feature Request: Limit the quantity of an item a customer can purchase on my Square Online website

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How do I Limit the Quantity A Customer Can Purchase of an Item?


I have a very limited number inventory on an item in my online store. Is there a way to limit the number a customer can purchase in a single transaction? Example: "Limit 4 per Customer".




1 Verified Answer
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Re: How do I Limit the Quantity A Customer Can Purchase of an Item?

This is not available at this time but a great Feature that would be.  

201 Replies

I would love to have this feature, too. We often get customers trying to buy 8 croissants which wipes us out for the day. I hate disappointing the people who do make the effort to come down to the bakery for take-out orders.


I've resorted to making a global limit of 4 of any item and suggested that people call if they want to order more. You can find it in Settings > Pickup & Delivery > Advanced Settings.


I hear ya @tnorthcutt! Tagging your post along with other Sellers asking for a maximum purchase quantity feature with the Online Store. 



Thanks for sharing the workaround you're using for the time being. You're doing our Sellers a solid. We'll be back with updates as they come.

Please add me to the list of needing this feature!

+1 on needing this feature immediately at our Brewery or we are moving to another provider within the next couple weeks.  Unfathomable that this simple feature is unavailable.  We sell sanitizer, special bottle releases, and other items that REQUIRE a limit.  Especially now that we have setup an online store, this is a MUST HAVE.

+1 on needing this limit function for our online store. It's a must going forward 

Simple question, can we limit the amount of one thing people can buy? So like wave petunias for example, say I want them to only be able to buy a max of 40 of them in one order. Is there a way?

We need this feature as well for our restaurant. Also an option for discounts on combos (choose 1 item from each category i.e. Entree, Appetizer, + Beverage, and get $ or % off). If someone buys all our take n bake entrees of the day, and no beverages or apps, we lose money. We can only sell cocktails with food and we don't make enough money on food without them.


Thanks for your votes to push this feature to the top. Tagged all of your posts for the Product Team to see. 


Also, I appreciate you all expanding your thoughts so our Ecomm Team can better understand the need for a purchase quantity limit feature. Love to see the engagement btwn you all. 


Be sure to subscribe to this thread up top, that'll way you'll be hip to updates and announcements! 


@SOSN @willcountybrew @CornucopiaFarm @richardsgoat 💪

No offense @JustinC, but looks like there’s been 2+ years of “feel good” (aka kick the can down the road) responses from Square on this issue.  When does that actually translate into action?  How many accounts is square willing to lose before they actually make this simple change?  We might not be a huge customer ourselves, but I’d guess Square will feel the combined impact of lost revenue from all those on this thread.  The lack of actionable information on so much as a timetable on this makes me want to leave even earlier knowing this isn’t coming anytime soon. 

Thank you @JustinC - you rule!