
Feature Request: Limit the quantity of an item a customer can purchase on my Square Online website

Feature Request: Limit the quantity of an item a customer can purchase on my Square Online website

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How do I Limit the Quantity A Customer Can Purchase of an Item?


I have a very limited number inventory on an item in my online store. Is there a way to limit the number a customer can purchase in a single transaction? Example: "Limit 4 per Customer".




1 Verified Answer
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Re: How do I Limit the Quantity A Customer Can Purchase of an Item?

This is not available at this time but a great Feature that would be.  

201 Replies

Ashley, any update on this feature, it will be great if you can share a possible release date. It doesn't seem a huge feature to add and it is affecting our business. We have to refund orders exceeding limit (we added a note in the item description on the maximum limit but customers order above the limit anyway) 

Square Community Moderator

Hey @Aghapy,


Any updates if we had them would be shared to the thread.


At this time we don't have an update to give but we will come back and update the thread once we have one. Thank you!

Square has officially lost my business due to not being able to add this feature. Its unacceptable that this was mentioned over a year ago and still nothing has been done. its a simple fix that has been ignored.

Yep. I left two weeks ago and opened my website/POS with Shopify. Square's website partnership with Weebly is so unhelpful, and nowhere near as robust as Shopify's shipping modules and dashboard, and their POS is just as good or better than Square's (for instance, you can immediately see the stock of a product.).

I'm in the same boat. I'm trying to release hand sanitizer but need to limit it to 2 per person to avoid hoarding. I was shocked to find this basic feature is not available. I've also been worried to see square has a F rating on BBB. I love how easy so many things are on here, but I'm worried to move forward.

I am trying to sell the exact same items.  
please help us get through this.  
I don’t know why our request is not important to square.   

It has been more than 2 years since this basic functionality was requested. It should not be difficult to add a limit on orders but there seems to be no interest in improving the software.


Very disappointed by the lack of response.

Is there a way to set minimum and maximum quantities of items for each individual customer to purchase? I give volume discounts. 1-100 items is one price, 101-500 quantity is a lower price.


I have the quantity listed as an item variation, but someone could enter to purchase a quantity 50 at the 101-500 quantity price. So not good. Is there a better way to handle this without having to have literally dozens of the same item at various price points.


I currently have the free version and I can't tell if I get additional features with paid version. Your advice is welcome. Thanks!

I am another business that is forced online so that I can try to hold on to my shop. I am glad to see that I am not alone in wanting to be able to set a limit. I have an old fashioned penny candy counter so counting out 200 gummy bears was never the nature of the experience. PLEASE make a move on adding this feature as I too need to be able to have some control. I would love to stay with square but may need to jump ship to solve this. Thanks for input or action! 


Hi @claireth  - setting min and max purchase quantity limits hasn't been developed yet with Square's Online Store. We're currently tracking the need for this feature on this thread.  We'll keep you updated as we learn more about its development. 


I'm not certain if any of the paid versions but If you want to learn about the features each paid version offers, check out this link