
Feature Request: Display in-stock quantity of each item on my Square website

Feature Request: Display in-stock quantity of each item on my Square website

The title of this post has been edited from the original: display quantities


In the online store is there a way to display the quantities of each item in stock to the customer?

For example lets say I have 20 of a certain item left in stock, I need the customer to know when looking at said item that there is only 20 remaining.

30 Replies

Hello and welcome to the Seller Community, @ssnova454 👋 


While there is there not a way to display the current quantity in stock for an item on your Square website, there is a setting that you can toggle on to show customers when your available stock drops below 5. To turn on this setting, just head over to your Square Online overview page, click Settings, then Item Settings. The Low inventory indicator setting is what you'll want to toggle on here:


Screenshot 2020-12-04 at 4.31.46 PM.png

This post was updated in December 2020 to reflect changes made to the visual appearance of these settings.

I found that section no problem. But my customers are wanting to know how many of each item are on hand at any given time. At the moment I've been adding the quantities to each description, and changing it with every sale. This is inconvenient. I hope this is a feature that can be added soon or I may have to find another option for a website 


Thanks for getting back to me here, @ssnova454.


At this time, what you're asking about would be considered a feature request. If you have an example of how it would benefit your business to have this feature available, our product team is always looking for specific examples - we'd love to hear yours!


If this is a necessary feature for you, this post should help with your choosing a new website provider, if you decide to do so.

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: delete "only a few left"


The new online store option lists "only a few left" for all of our items. Since virtually all of our items are one of a kind, we'd like to eliminate this annoying and misleading tagline but cannot find a way to do it. 


You should be able to change this setting in just a few quick seconds @bikecollective! I've moved your post over to this thread so you can see the screenshots I've included of the settings you'll want to alter. Follow the directions to get here, then you'll want to toggle off the Only a few left setting in your Item Settings.

There doesn't seem to be any Item Settings option under Item Library. (Dashboard > Items > Item Library). Also, the business hours are correct in Location Details, but are not listed correctly in the online store.


Ah, it sounds like you're referring to the Item Library within your Square Dashboard rather than the Item Library section of your online store dashboard. The location of Item Settings has slightly changed since I initially posted instructions in this thread, so I have updated my original post to reflect that. 


You'll start by logging into your Square Dashboard. Find your online store button or link - once you've clicked Online Store, you'll be viewing the dashboard for your online store, and will see a sidebar menu on the left. Clicking Settings will pop out more options, and selecting General will get you where you want to be. Scroll to the very bottom of this page to find your Item Settings.


Have you published your site since updating your hours, @bikecollective? Your hours will not update on the published site until you re-publish.

Publishing the site was the key to making the Settings options visible in the new store, so I was able to fix the original problem (turned off "only a few left"). However, publishing did not fix the hours issue - location hours are correct in the Square dashboard, but incorrect in the online store.


A couple of other issues.


After creating an item either in the Square dashboard or the online store, there seems to be no way to get the item to appear in the online store (I thought in the past there was a button for that either in the items list or in the edit menu for each item). Ideally, I'd like to set all items in one item category (Bikes) to automatically sync between the dashboard and online store.


I have set the image ratio in the online store to 3:2, but all existing images still show up as 1:1. I haven't been able to determine if new item images are 3:2, because I can't get any items added to the online store. (Newly created item images still appear as 1:1 in the Square dashboard).  





For the 1st issue of the hours - a Weebly rep talked me through this - change something else in your location information on Square, press save, then change it back, and press save - this will push the hours to be fixed.

-For example, change your address from Ave to Avenue, St to Street, and back-


For the second, to get the item into the Online Store, you'd have to manually set it to appear in the online store, by going into your Online Store Dashboard, finding it in Items, and adding your options there.

Right now Square Categories designations don't sync over to Weebly - Weebly Categories are separate and don't connect for some reason yet - so you'd have to do it manually. It's a feature request to square up these Categories.


Not sure about the Image size thing - maybe someone else can help with that.

Square Community Moderator

Good conversation going here. Thanks for sharing what has worked for you and what you've learned in your conversations with Weebly folks, @pessosices!


I am reaching out to a few of our Ecom teams to get some clarity regarding what you are seeing with your image ratios. Please stand by! Would you mind clarifying where you are editing the ratio for your photo @bikecollective?