
Is the Square Appointment app available on android devices?

Is the Square Appointment app available on android devices?

Just got and android device, wondering if square appointment app is compatible with it? Not seeing app I'm store.

Thank you in advance.


1 Verified Answer
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Re: Is the Square Appointment app available on android devices?

Hi everyone - I have some exciting news to share. We are now recruiting sellers for an early access Android app


Read more at Devon's post linked above.

159 Replies

Hey @JosephShahen and @Agent929! Thanks for reaching out. Our Appointments team is definitely working on the Appointments app for Android right now, but I don't have an ETA to share.


In the meantime, we are having a Live Q&A with @Devon who is the Product Manager of Appointments. Please feel free to share any feedback or questions you may have regarding Appointments there!

I was going to switch my my booking for my appointments to square. After looking at this thread, I'm apprehensive. People have been asking about an Android app for quite awhile. The fact that you havenot accommodated your Android users after all this time is unacceptable. 




At this point this is unacceptable. You guys have been saying the same response to people requesting an Android app for like 3 years.

Here in lies the problem, Square.  You're saying you will give a discounted rate for doing sales through the appointments system.  Well HOW are we supposed to be able to take advantage of running POS through the appointments if you don't have an ANDROID APP!?!?   Ugh.  


For over a year now android users have been getting the run around with being told an android scheduling app would be getting launched by Square. And everytime we keep asking, we get the same nonsense answer of "we'll relay this to our product team" "we are working on it!", "Excellent feedback" etc.


I can't imagine Square couldnt expect to see the backlash coming from android users when they decided to only launch an app for iPhones and iPads and not android.


What is the hold up? I think I can say on behalf of plenty of android users that it is a nightmare trying to schedule on phones without an app. And we shouldn't be given the same reply over and over, especially when most of us have been paying, loyal, customers in the past before the appointment system went free of charge begging next month.


Can someone give a REAL update? 

I hear you @tgough. This has been a feature request for a long time, but it is happening. I've gone ahead and merged your thread with the one we're using to track this request. That way we can keep all of the feedback in one place. 


I recommend checking out Devon's post on the first page of this thread. Once the app is ready to beta test you'll get an offer to try it since you're on this thread!  


Hi everyone - I have some exciting news to share. We are now recruiting sellers for an early access Android app


Read more at Devon's post linked above.

About time!

**bleep**in FINALLY

how do we sign up