
Does Square Appointments offer double booking?

Does Square Appointments offer double booking?

I'm a hairstylist and regularly 'power' or 'double' book my clients during haircolor services to maximize my schedule and earnings.  For example, I schedule my highlight & haircut service at 3 hours:  this gives me an hour to highlight, one hour for the client to process, and the last hour for the cut and blowdry.  During that hour of processing time, I schedule another client for a color and/or cut service.  Is this something that can be done with Square Appointments?  So far, it looks like if a client books me for a highlight & cut at noon, I'd be unavailible for any other bookings until 3pm...  I need to show availibity for a 1pm appt.

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Double Booking Appointments

Hi there @jjohnstone 👋


We introduced the processing time feature last year, which enables your clients to book appointments during your down time.

You can learn more about how this works here, but be sure to let me know if this isn't what you were looking for!


P.S. Welcome to the Seller Community!

Verified Answer

Re: Square Appointments: How do I book clients in between processing time?

Kinda tricky.


The service duration + the block time for the service has to be less than the processing time. It gets complicated if both services have processing time. It has to puzzle together perfectly in order to work. 


It could also be be the calendar settings for when times can be booked. Typically we suggest setting the processing time to  According to service duration within Appts Dashboard > Settings > Calendar & Booing > Appointments are scheduled. 




Great question, @Hair-Rebel


You're correct that there isn't the ability to book an appointment that overlaps another appointment for processing time, but it's a popular request. 


Our product team appreciates these kinds of posts, so I'll be sure to share the example with them. Hopefully other sellers have workarounds to suggest!



Any update on this request. 


We are getting to a point where we are considering switching to another system


Hi @slucio — welcome to the seller community!


We don't currently have any updates available for this feature, but we definitly understand how this would improve efficiency for your business. Rest assured that we're continuing to track these requests and we'll circle back with any updates that may be useful.


Please keep in touch and let us know if you have any other questions!

Is this still the case?  I will definitely switch to square booking if this has been updated, but its a must for me! 

Square Community Moderator

@JessicaLydai No update as of yet, but hang tight and hopefully our Appointments team can get something implemented in the near future. 

I am in the same predicament.  I NEED my clients to be able to book during other clients' processing times.  Most of my clients book online, which is necessary for me in my business today. So I'm happy to pay the appointments subscription fee.  But this is a function that really needs to be available.  By not showing ALL of my available time, I am losing income.  Busy hairdressers rely on this time to make a living.  When I can, I will double book my own clients but ideally they could just book themselves.  Please, please, please Square Appointments, help us out and let our clients book online during processing time.  I am happy with Square but as my business is growing, this will eventually become a deal breaker for me.  


@SaroukosHair - Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. This is definitely a popular feature request. I'll be sure to share your thoughts with our product liaison team. 

This issue has to be solved by the Square tech team as this can cause major financial lose to the stylist, and can be a turn off to the use of application, most of the salon application do that I don't see why Square can't do that. 


I hear you, it's certainly a popular request. We'll pass on the feedback and update here if this changes in the future.

I was excited to keep the appointments option for my new salon opening, however I am now seeing you cannot double book.  This is a HUGE bummer.  Especially because you cannot shrink or expand appointments, or double book multiple people.  Thats how we make money.  If this can't be intergrated, I suppose I will have to use a different software.  It does not make sense for the user to overlap the appts.  It makes the day look very confusing.  There should be the option to book a service with a finishing time.