
Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Is there a way 2 take partial payments 4 an invoice?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Little late with an update here, but wanted to make sure y'all know this is possible with Square Progress Invoices!


You can schedule multiple payments on a Square Invoice by following these steps 

Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to make partial payments towards an invoice?

Hi there, @LiaJmt - thanks for adding your voice here and checking in on this feature! Good to hear from you. Same to you, @BIONICONE - welcome! 


You may be looking specifically for our newly introduced Deposit Feature for Invoices. This will also allow you to create a single invoice to track multiple payments and reduce the amount of time you have to spend reconciling multiple payments (deposit, follow-up payments) to a single transaction or sale.


Let me know if this is what you're looking for! 

336 Replies
Status changed to: New

Hi @yokanstudio - Not sure if you read my response above yours, but this feature is already in development and is currently in beta. You can add yourself to test the beta by commenting on this thread: https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/General-Discussion/Test-Partial-Payments-in-the-Invoices-Request-...

Status changed to: Cannot Reproduce/Needs more information
Status changed to: Need Beta Testers

Please add me to the beta

Can a customer pay payments on an invoice until it is paid in full?  For example, the invoice is $1,530.00.  I know I can set up a deposit for the invoice.  But can the customer pay installments via the invoice, like 6 installments of $255.00 or if the customer wants to pay the balance earlier, can they pay three payments of $255.00 and one final payment of $765 using one invoice sent to the customer for $1,530.00?

I do not believe this is possible.  The only workaround that I can think of would be to set up recurring invoices with a predetermined amount.  Not the best solution, but it would work.  If your customer is comfortable with it, you could even allow them to keep their card on file for you to charge on a recurring basis until the amount due is paid in full.

Hope this helps!


Right on—thanks for helping out with this request, @ACAcatering.


Welcome to the Seller Community, @DFC! I also wanted to surface our installments option which allows you as the seller to get paid up front. For more details on how it works, have a look at this post: Introducing Square Installments. I realize that this may not be ideal for all types of products and services, so I'll be surfacing this post with our Invoices Team. They continue to iterate based on seller feedback.


Keep in touch and let us know if you have any further questions.

I would LOVE to be able to send an invoice and have a client make partial payments as they wish. I am a wedding photographer, so I regularly send out decently sized invoices, and my clients are already making payments for pretty much everything else; the ability to follow the link on the invoice and pay $500 or $1500 toward the balance would be amazing. 

Related, the "deposit" terminology has me nervous. In my line of work it's a "retainer" and though it's referred to properly in my contracts, my lawyer said the line on the invoice could be problematic if an issue ever came up.


For those reasons, I encourage most clients to pay by check, even though cards (and Square) are more convenient for all of us. You're missing out on more than half my business!

Good morning from Kansas!  Here is another thread where we were discussing the issue.  Hope it helps!

Is this any closer to being finished?  My clients want the option of paying portions of their invoices when it's convenient to them and not on a recurring bill and putting it as a deposit on the invoice doesn't really work.  My clients can pay in advance for the work not completed by me yet.  I find this to be the only thing missing from Square.  I see it was in the works last year??