
Sales Forecasting Report - Managerial Accounting Reports

We would like to see a sales forecasting report where we choose the start date and go ahead "X" number of days. The system would pull the previous years' gross sales for that time period and set-up a grid with dates. Then the report is to ask what per cent of daily sales increase are we forecasting, say 10%. The system would then update the grid of each day with previous, forecasted and then the over or shortage for that day. The bottom portion of the report would be the cumulative info:

Days in Report:

Gross Sales Previous Year:

Forecasted Sales this Year:



This way, a manager can sit down and look at what the daily sales requirements are, make allowances for staff and plan promos to boost sales for that day and then know how well the location is doing - oh, yes. The need to select the location is required first.



James Wilkinson
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