
Trying to set up a printer station.

We are a fraternal organization and have a bar and kitchen. We also do some events. We are using a Square POS and a member recently donated a Square stand and an iPad. I downloaded the Square POS app and have it set up (I think). I'd like to be able to print receipts to the printer in the bar. I set up a printer station on the unit in the bar, but it wasn't showing up on the second unit. Any ideas?  BTW I'm totally new to Square 🙂


Message 1 of 11
1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hello @peteforsyth !


Is your printer a USB? Where it plugs into the USB ports on the Square Stand?


If so, I don't believe you can have your second Square device see that printer; only the one in the stand can see the usb printer. You'll see the same problem with bluetooth connected printers: only the system that is connected to the printer can see it.


If you have an ethernet or wifi printer, check to make sure your second iPad is on the same wireless network that links to the printer. I can't tell you how many hours I've wasted troubleshooting printer issues when it turned out that my iPad connected to my public network instead of the private network.



Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
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Happy Selling!

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Message 2 of 11
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hello @peteforsyth !


Is your printer a USB? Where it plugs into the USB ports on the Square Stand?


If so, I don't believe you can have your second Square device see that printer; only the one in the stand can see the usb printer. You'll see the same problem with bluetooth connected printers: only the system that is connected to the printer can see it.


If you have an ethernet or wifi printer, check to make sure your second iPad is on the same wireless network that links to the printer. I can't tell you how many hours I've wasted troubleshooting printer issues when it turned out that my iPad connected to my public network instead of the private network.



Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 11

So I can only share a printer if it's wi-fi or ethernet? Bummer! Yes the printer is a USB StarMicronics.


Thanks for the help, At least now I can stop pulling my hair out trying to get this set up.




Message 3 of 11
Square Champion

Yes, it is a bummer, but I think it's more of an iOS issue than a Square issue? Not sure if the same problem exists in the Android world.


One thing to think about is Square's Open Tickets option. You can save the ticket on the second tablet and open it up on the first tablet to print. There's about a 10-45 second lag time between tickets showing on the other tablets, but it may get you past the hair-pulling-out stage. 🙂

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 4 of 11

I have a different issue. I setup my pos system and when ever i try to print a receipt. It says it is disconnected. It is just not printing any receipt 

Message 5 of 11

Now that my iPads has updated the square app my receipt printers will not connect square says I need an IP address and my star printers do not have one. Anyone else having this problem? If so how did you fix it? 

Message 6 of 11
Square Community Moderator

Hello @TheGrindCoffee


Could you share here which Model and type of printer are you using? How is it connected to your iPad? 


In the meantime, I suggest you take a look at our Printer Troubleshooting article. Hopefully, these steps get you up and running. 


P.S. Welcome to the Seller Community 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 7 of 11

We are also having trouble connecting our StarTSP100 to our new 2nd Gen. Square Stand. We have followed all of the instructions to obtain the Static IP Address for the printer and it just doesn't print the "second sheet" that should contain that IP address. HELP!

Message 8 of 11
Square Champion

If you are using a Router on your Network, you could use a computer to see the connected devices on your network.  Then you could see the IP address of the Printer.  You may need to know the ADMIN credentials to access the router.  Then look for LAN or Connected Devices or something similar.  If all that fails look up how to access and find your connected devices for your Router model and manufacturer. Each router or manufacturer has its own web interface that has different terminology. 


Here are some examples for Netgear routers.  This was how I found a network printer/IP camera conflict, they were both having the same Static IP Address.  The below images were from a google search not my addresses.


download (1).jpgdownload (2).pngview-and-access-devices-attached-netgear-router.1280x600.jpgScreen Shot 2019-01-16 at 10.46.15 PM.png


Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
Make Sure App and OS is up to date on your Device.
Message 9 of 11

Thank you for replying. We did figure out our issue eventually. Somewhere buried in these threads we found out that a STAR TSP100 is one and the same as the STAR TSP143 which is what our square stand was reading.

A full day of tension and frustration because all of the paperwork as well as the front of the printer itself says "STAR TSP100."

Message 10 of 11
Square Champion

Yes I have that issue with my Scanner too.  It shows in Squares as a 6707 but it is a 6878 model but it works.  Glad it is working for you.

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
Make Sure App and OS is up to date on your Device.
Message 11 of 11