
Sub-Categories Within Parent Categories - Reposting

I am posting this again, because last time I asked this question, I got the standard "here's a solution that isn't actually in any way a solution" answer.  Like the title states, I need a way to create subcategories within a parent category.  As an example in my situation, I need the parent categories to be Alcohol and Food, with the subcategories being beer, white wine, red wine, vodka, etc., with each individual offering being offered in the respective subcategory.  As it is now, if I want to determine my total alcohol or food sales, I have to manually add up the sales for each individual category.  It would really be a time-saver to be able to just look at my reports for this information. 

Message 1 of 3
Super Seller Alumni

I hear you but reporting can still be done by setting up a custom report.    In your Dashboard go to Reports / Custom Report.  Then click Create New Report.  Title it "Category Report" or whatever.   There are preloaded sections.  I delete them by clicking on the X in the top right.  


1. Click Add report and Select Category Sales (if you don't see this select something else and then try it again.  Sometimes the menu floats off the screen.). 

2. Now select Filter by and Item Category.  

3. You will see a box appear on the left click it and select the categories you want ie all your food categories.  

4. Click Edit Columns to add or remove info you want.


Now repeat steps 1-4 for your Alcohol Category.


Save your report


Now run your report by selecting your date range, Location, Summary.

You can edit your report at any time.

Message 2 of 3

Thank you for the suggestion.  While I would still like to see the ability to place subcategories within a category, this is a good work-around in the meantime.

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