
Square for Retail: How can I remove items that are returned to wholesaler from inventory?

I need to adjust stock for items that are returned to the wholesaler.  I only see loss, damage, recount which don't apply.  I need them removed from my inventory and COGS/reports.



Message 1 of 23
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Hello @PrezziesSL! You can edit the historical adjustment that you set when you received the stock.


To record items that were returned - but were not a loss - go to the Items section of your online Dashboard > then click Inventory Management > and click History. For the date you received this stock, edit the original received amount as needed (deduct the amount you returned to the wholesaler from the amount you entered as received ). When you save your changes these items will no long be part of your Square inventory. 


I hope this helps! If you have any questions reply here to let me know. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 2 of 23

I noticed I cannot change inventory history to zero about two weeks ago. I thought it was a glitch but it's still happening and other users on this thread have/are having the same problem for months. What the heck is going on?


Note: I will NOT do a recount as it is permanent. I also will NOT upload an inventory spreadsheet because it becomes a recount, not inventory received.


(Why can't you edit recounts? It defies logic. Hundreds and hundreds of my inventory items have been completely screwed up for over four years because I didn't fill an inventory spreadsheet correctly. I also didn't know inventory spreadsheet quantities become a recount, not inventory received (something the tutorial REALLY needs to make extremely explicit) and recounts can't be edited. Truly looking for an answer because I have asked about recounts a few times over the last four years and I have been ignored every single time.

Message 22 of 23

We are counting our inventory right now and the fact that Square removed our ability to change "inventory received" in our inventory history to 0 is seriously f*cking everything. Our inventory count is incorrect, our calculation of inventory on hand is inflated. Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us change inventory received to zero again?


Square is an inventory management software. LET ME MANAGE MY INVENTORY! 


And why is Square ignoring all of us?


Message 23 of 23