
Square Online Store: Turn on Local Delivery

This post was updated by a community moderator on April 20, 2020 to reflect app improvements and feature enhancements.


In many areas of the US, we know that the recent measures to control the coronavirus outbreak are impacting your business. To help you continue serving your customers, local delivery is now available with your Square account.


With the delivery feature turned on, customers can select delivery at checkout and also opt in to receive delivery text alerts. Order tickets sent to your kitchen will print all delivery details in the notes section. New delivery functionality lets you set estimated delivery time, delivery fee, and minimum delivery order value.


To turn on Local Delivery:

If you're new to Square or haven't set up a Square Online Store, follow these steps first: How to Sell Online and Allow for Pickup Orders. Next, sign into the online Square Dashboard and proceed with the process below. If you're in the retail business or a shop owner, you'll want to follow these steps instead.



Note: Delivery is available to sellers in every country Square Online Store has launched in, however, order text alert notifications are only enabled in the US at this time.

For an illustration on what your customer sees and steps to complete the delivery order process, have a look at the presentation below.



If you'd like to see a comprehensive guide, check out this article in our Support Center: Learn how to set up local delivery.


In a neighborhood where your customers can come to you? Consider trying out curbside pickup: Turn on Curbside Pickup.


Let us know how it's going and don't hesitate to raise any questions!

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 1 of 95

When I log on to either of my online stores I don't not have the option to do that.  One is using the original square website and the other store is using the weebly integration. 

Message 43 of 95

Yes, local delivery is available, but the concern I share with many others is that there is no way to specify exact dates for delivery. The pickup/delivery hours are locked in to the current "business hours" format, which doesn't work for sellers who need to schedule specific future delivery dates.

Message 44 of 95

Another great question! You can add a delivery charge, but there isn’t a way to do a universal charge for everything regardless of fulfillment type, or an online delivery fee. You would have to create two sets of items, one that is only for the online store, and is $0.30 more, and another that is for your physical location, but then your inventory would be messed up.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 45 of 95

@Tom  Is it possible to only use the delivery feature without the pickup option? I would like to do local delivery, but not offer pick at my location. Thank you

Message 46 of 95

It would be immensely helpful if we were able to do just the option for local delivery without pickup or vice versa. And if we could set up delivery within a radius of an specific address that would be a huge help.


For instance we would like to do deliveries within 50 miles of our home city, currently we are not able to set that up and people from the other side of the country can order and we wouldnt be able to fill those order.


We have a physical location but don't want to offer pickup atm, if we could have just local delivery set up that would be great.

Message 47 of 95

@Sidhu @Tom We would love to have this ability as well!

Message 48 of 95

@Tom I understand giving a release date for features may not be a good idea, but is there a way to share upcoming features or things you guys may be working on.  And with that an approximate/possible time frame i.e. mid-May/end-June if all goes to plan/obstacles and other unrelated priorities interfere. It may also help with the adoption of the product as some features could be essential to some users - this feature for myself. 


It would really be helpful to have the ability to have the Delivery method as its own fulfillment type. I think it would get very confusing for my employees to see pick-up on the ticket or on the POS when its actually a delivery. Also the ability to have the customer or merchant specify the delivery date would also come in very handy for me and a lot of other merchants. Secondly the ability to add a delivery radius based on ZIP Codes would also be immensely useful. 


What you guys have put together in such a short time is truly amazing and super helpful, so I thank you. I think with a little more customization and features you guys would have a pretty incredible system that would be hard to beat! Thank you so much and have a great day!

Message 49 of 95
Square Community Moderator

This is some solid feedback, @Sidhu. I appreciate you laying out the details for us - specifically, concerning your suggestion for the radius distance for Online Ordering. 


Being that our Delivery and Curbside Pickup options are newly introduced, we believe there is much room for improvement based on our Sellers feedback - and your suggestions go a long way in making these improvements. I will pass along this thread to our Product Teams! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 50 of 95

Currently we can't use the local delivery feature because it requires having the pick up option on, as well. We don't want to offer pick up, just local delivery. If we could do one without the other, that would be very helpful. 

Message 51 of 95

Delivery not Pickup is a feature I am looking for too.  Currently I am using a Google order form then submitting an invoice via square.

Message 52 of 95

How do I create a per mile cost rule based on where the customer is getting it delivered? 

Message 53 of 95

Hi @Taylorchip! This is currently a feature request, but I have shared it with our Development Team. Thank you for asking and let me know if you have any other questions. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 54 of 95

Yes! Thank you Ashley. 

I also need to add an Online Store ONLY convenience fee to make up for the $.30 loss. I’d like to be able to add it only on the online store so customers paying in person don’t get it and I’d like it to be automaticity applied as part of the check out process 🙂


thank you! 

Message 55 of 95

I'll add to those in favor of this option. $.30 atop the 2.9% is eating up a large part of our shrinking margin. As a coffee shop our average ticket is only $6, fees associated with selling online now account for 8% of that ticket. Having a convenience fee or tax would be useful in helping us make the choice to stick with this once you turn the monthly fee's back on. Our core business is down over 60% during this pandemic, we've added many things to our offerings and have completely changed our business in the last 3 weeks. With a relatively static ASP, increasing the variable expense as a % of the sale is not among the items I'm looking to add right now. 


I thought about using a workaround with tax options by creating a new "tax" item to help recover the $.30? You've given us the ability to charge a delivery fee - let's call it $4. If I add a tax item of 7.5% and apply it only to the delivery fee It would effectively recover the $.30 expense for using the online service. But it would only apply to deliveries where the fee is automatically added to each delivery order.


Could another option be added similar to the delivery fee? You allow us in Pickup & Delivery settings to establish an auto-applied delivery fee. Could a similar toggle be allowed in website settings? "Website Settings > Convenience Fee $___"

Take care of yourself and, as life provides, someone else too.
Message 56 of 95

Hi.  I work for fetch.com which is a delivery company in Santa Fe, NM.  How can we sign up to deliver products from the square store.  

Message 57 of 95
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @Jedsplate 👋 Thanks for reaching out! Just to make sure I am understanding you correctly, are you looking to work in conjunction with local Square Sellers to deliver goods that their customers have ordered online?


I will keep an eye out for your response!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 58 of 95

Joe I cannot tell you how helpful it is that you guys updated your system to add a radius for deliveries. One problem that were seeing customers reporting is that when they go to checkout the page shows local pickup first and alot of people leave the cart at that point thinking we don't deliver. I realize that all they have to do is just click the small tab to the right of pickup that say delivery, but a lot of people have missed that.


If there was an option to just show an entry field for a delivery address that would increase our sales greatly.

Message 59 of 95

We are experiencing this same exact problem. A lot of people want delivery but aren’t seeing where to click “Change” under “Fulfillment Method” in the cart so they just leave it as Pickup because they assume it defaults to Delivery. If the selection screen that pops up when you click “Change” just showed immediately in the cart so you didn’t have to click through to find it, Ithink that would help a lot. 

Also - still really would love if the delivery address they input showed on the order receipt / email instead of our pickup address!

Message 60 of 95

100% agreed with the delivery/pick-up options being confusing for my customers.


We are THRILLED with the online features but have had 3 customers order incorrectly so far (pick-up instead of delivery). If we could make the options a bit more clear, or even give me an option to enlarge or change the text in "Change Order Option" under the shop header would be a help.


Also, we love the delivery radius option now but could we possible offer a .5 option for KM and Miles? We're in Manhattan and need it a bit smaller.


Edit: Just took a look at the new interface and it looks like decimals are live! Thank you soooo much!


Thanks again!

Message 61 of 95

That is Correct.  Who handles their deliveries now?

Message 62 of 95

Why can't we simply disallow pickup as option? I disallow it in settings but it still shows as the default fulfillment in the customer cart. So it causes confusion and loss. Both business and Square lose money on unpaid delivery charges. 



Message 63 of 95