
Square Marketing

I'm looking into the sqaure marketing and I need some questions answered.


I'm looking the customer directory, they all say instant profile.     Can I market from a instant profile?    I don't see phone numbers or any emails listed.


We do not ask our customers for their phone numbers or email. 

If we need to start collecting this information, can it be added from the checkout screen or do I have add each customer.


Is there a setting or way to automatically collect this information?





Message 1 of 10

Hey @wrbrunso 

Great questions!

We love Square Marketing - super easy to set up & use, and our customers respond really well to our emails - both automated and our monthly newsletter updates.


So some instant profiles might have Email Addresses connected to them - even if they're not viewable by you.

If you go into your Customer Directory (https://squareup.com/dashboard/customers/directory) and click on the Blue "All Customers ^) button at the top, it should give you a little drop down menu.
If you click then "Reachable" - it will show you a number and a list of all the customers that would receive emails through Square Marketing.


As for how to collect email addresses from more customers - you have a few options that are visible on the Settings page of the Customer Directory (https://squareup.com/dashboard/customers/settings/email-collection😞

1. You can enable Email Collection after your Receipt screen on your POS.

2. You can put a link on your website to sign up for your email campaigns.


Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any other questions!

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 2 of 10

Pesso, we have over 1,300 customers in the directory with only 34 reachable.

You mentioned that some instant profiles have emails that might not be viewable to me.   Does that mean that if we signed up for square marketing that emails would be sent to these customers (that aren't viewable)?  or only my reachable customers?


I don't know if you can answer this but....

Why doesn't sqaure automatically save these emails attached to card at checkout for marketing purposes?   I find all the extra work to get the information time consuming. 





Message 3 of 10

Hey @wrbrunso 


So those 34 reachable customers include the any instant profiles with email addresses that may not be viewable to you - and those would be the ones who would receive emails when you send emails through Marketing.

Also, if you don't want to sign up for marketing, you can also pay a small fee per email sent (something like 10-15 cents per individual email [one campaign sent to 34 people would cost ~$3.40-$5.10]), if that's more cost effective for you than the Marketing Subscription, depending on your frequency of emails and number of reachable customers. You can do the math and check it out, just note that some features are only available when you have the Subscription.

For your last question, if there is an email address attached to the card, when it creates an instant profile, it does use those email addresses for marketing purposes.

Square does not always use emails that customers put down for receipts because customers need to consent and sign up for email subscriptions like your marketing campaign.


So again - you can set up a screen at the end of every transaction asking for email addresses for your marketing campaigns, which is highly recommended.

We also use Loyalty which gives the option for customers to enter their email address for marketing campaigns in exchange for extra points.

We've gotten a ton of email addresses through these methods.

Hope this helps!

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 4 of 10

How do you get it to show up after every transaction to ask for email addresses on the square POS?

Message 5 of 10
Square Community Moderator

Hey @northwoods361, thanks for reaching out regarding Customer Management. The ability to add customers to a sale before or after a transaction is enabled by default, but you can update this at any time from the POS.  Click here for more information on how to get that set up. 


Also, welcome to the Seller Community! We are happy to have you here. While you are here, we recommend checking out our Orientation & Etiquette. I hope this helps!



Let me know if we can assist you with anything else! 

Message 6 of 10

Regarding emails for marketing- I'm adding email addresses and my reachable number is not increasing?   What is happpening? 


My reachable number is 499.  I've added 5 customers with emails and the number is not increasing?  


Please help!

Message 7 of 10
Square Community Moderator

Hi @kristicarrara! Welcome to the Seller Community.


I was able to find a thread that already existed within the Community on this exact topic.


Check out @pessosices 's answers above for more details and information on reachable customers. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 8 of 10

Just started a shop on square and I’m unfamiliar with the services. Any tips or advice?

Message 9 of 10
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @royalti 


Welcome to Square! 


I moved your post to a thread that sellers talk about getting started with Square Marketing. It's the best route to market your business and gives your numerous tools to do it. 


Check out the Best Answer by one of our Super Sellers @Pesso for more info. 


Thank you! 

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 10 of 10