
Shipping in item details

Is it possible to confine shipping options to the check out process and out of the items detail page of every product (Under How to get it)

It takes up valuable screen estate and I do not see any benefit from giving the customer this information at the item level. 

Am I missing something - for a shop selling physical products and where most customer choose multiple items what is the advantage of having this information at item level. 

I could test this myself but functionally anyone know what would happen if you selected different shipping options against varying product items for a single checkout cart. 



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Square Community Moderator

Hey @LOG, thanks for your post.


I just had a look at my website editor settings on my own dummy account and can confirm that it s not currently possible to remove the shipping option on the items page. I can see why it would be a nuisance, though. I will pass your comment over to our team for better visibility. Hopefully, this is something we'll be able to facilitate in the future. 


Let me know if you need anything else!

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