Square Champion

Printing out a report....

Today I went a looked at a report on how many 70oz Pumpkin jars I sold last year.  This report I did see on my Dashboard but, I went to print it because there are about 10 different Items in this category or variation of the 70 oz Pumpkin Jars based on Scent.  I set these up this way so I can figure out which scents are more popular so I knew which ones to make the following year.  Anyway, today I went to reports, found the Pumpkin Jar Item and had a nice report that showed on my desktop screen, about 2 to 3 pages worth of data.  To my surprise I hit the Print in Google Chrome and only got what was on the screen and not the other pages.   Usually when I hit print from Google chrome it prints whatever loads for that web page, even if it is more than what shows on the screen. Is there a way to print this page of details without exporting it to Excel and then sorting the data again?  I mean I filtered the data and just want to print or export the filtered data not my entire excel file of Last years sales by Items which would be huge.

Pocono Candle

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Message 1 of 7
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @Candlestore


Have you tried different printing settings? I would suggest adjusting the "scale" portion under those. That will widen what is showing on your page. Also, I would suggest changing the orientation to landscape to get more of that page on there. 


To my knowledge, Square hasn't made any changes to how those are printed. It would be safe to assume something changed on Google's end. You might have to mess with those settings to get the exact print you're looking for from the webpage. 


Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 7
Square Champion

@Kassi_ ;

Yes I have tried different printer settings and have tried to just do a PDF and then print it.  So here is what I see... When I print the report of Items I can see 1-95 pages if I remember correctly, it shows how many pages at the bottom right for the entire year of Items sold.  But when I choose an Item and open it and see the report I can scroll down  but when I print it or save it it only shows 1of1 page.  I can not show both in this message because of Squares Limit of 1 File since they are PDFs so I will add the next pdf after this.

The one attached here show 1 of 95 pages and prints normally.... all 95 pages....

Pocono Candle

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Message 3 of 7
Square Champion

@Kassi_ ;

When I scroll through the 95 pages to find the Item Pumpkin jar with different variations all I get is 1 page to print.... and you can see that I can scroll past the bottom of this screen.  In the print out I am only being able to print 1of1 page.... no matter if landscape or portrait... no matter if PDF or actual Print, No matter what settings I tried to change in Chrome.  I even tried the Control Print to use windows print instead of Google Chrome.... still 1 of 1 page.   Now in portrait columns to the right get cut off, in landscape items at the bottom get cut off.   Attached is the 1 of 1 page that I  can only print...


It seems to happen after I choose the Item to print the item and its variations, which is why I am thinking it is something with Square.

Pocono Candle

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Message 4 of 7
Square Community Moderator

Ah I see @Candlestore. I tried doing this on my own Dashboard and another site using Google Chrome, and I got the same results you did on both sites. It would only print 1 of 1 pages for me. 

Could you try on another browser to see if it will do anything different? I know that will be our engineers first suggestion and I want to **bleep** that before starting the process of sending over a ticket to them. 


I will keep an eye out for your reply👀

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 7
Square Champion

@Kassi_ ;

I thought I replied earlier but I do not see it here now.  I did try using Microsoft Edge browser and got the same results as You and I did before.

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 6 of 7
Square Community Moderator

No worries, @Candlestore. Thank you for giving another browser a reply. I am going to suggest reaching out to our CS Team directly, so they can get the ticket filed for our engineers: 1-855-700-6000.


They will need some detailed information, so they can take the deep dive into this. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 7 of 7