
Optimizing Established Square Account | Many Questions

Hi all,


So glad Square has a community support forum. Thanks in advance for your help. 


I'm taking on the streamlining of my employer's backend/IT needs. We use Square as POS for our retail operations only. Each POS uses the same Categories, Items, Prices, etc. I'm reading up on the Square manuals, but thought I'd ask here as well. 


Current questions are: 

  1. We operate via the Square App on multiple iOS devices. The account is not currently setup with multiple locations. I'd like to be able to control/update the content of the apps on our devices (categories, items, prices, etc.) from the dashboard and/or from a device. Is adding multiple locations the best way to do this?
  2. Since this account has been used for years, are there any glitches/irreversabile actions that could jeopardize the system if I create separate locations?
  3. I've updated Items & Categories on one iOS device. Is there any way to export/sync that data from that iOS device to those other devices we use?
  4. I'd also like to be able to separate reporting by device. Does locations take care of this? 

Thanks again for the patience and hand holding. 


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Hello @Potters and welcome to the Seller Community! 


I've answered your questions below and included links to Support Center articles (aka Square manuals!) that I think you'll find useful:


  1. If you decide to set up multiple locations with Square feature with Square you will be able to manage the items that appear in your apps from your Master Dashboard. It's important to note that you'll have to use a Master Dashboard on a computer or laptop. It's not possible to manage multiple locations from the app at this time.
  2. The only irreversible step is creating a location! A location can be deactivated but it can't be deleted. Otherwise, it's always a good idea to update the Point of Sale app and to update the software for your device
  3. If you create an item on an iOS device you can add it to different locations from your item library from your Dashboard. You could also use the Import/Export tool to move several items at the same time.
  4. With Advanced Reporting you can separate reports by device! 


Please let me know if you have any other questions! More than happy to help you get everything set up! 🙂

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Best Answer

Hello @Potters and welcome to the Seller Community! 


I've answered your questions below and included links to Support Center articles (aka Square manuals!) that I think you'll find useful:


  1. If you decide to set up multiple locations with Square feature with Square you will be able to manage the items that appear in your apps from your Master Dashboard. It's important to note that you'll have to use a Master Dashboard on a computer or laptop. It's not possible to manage multiple locations from the app at this time.
  2. The only irreversible step is creating a location! A location can be deactivated but it can't be deleted. Otherwise, it's always a good idea to update the Point of Sale app and to update the software for your device
  3. If you create an item on an iOS device you can add it to different locations from your item library from your Dashboard. You could also use the Import/Export tool to move several items at the same time.
  4. With Advanced Reporting you can separate reports by device! 


Please let me know if you have any other questions! More than happy to help you get everything set up! 🙂

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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