
Need an exportable report of deposits (transfers) over a period of time.

I have been all over my Square account - in both "Reports" and "Balance" and cannot find a report that allows me to export the data seen when you click on an individual transfer.  I need a report, exportable into Excel, that shows this exact data:


Square Deposit Dashboard.JPG

In reports, I can't get an export that separates credit card sales from overall sales (including cash).  And if I hit "Export Transactions" at the top of the Transfer Report (see screenshot above), I can only see the transactions from that specific day, no general total, and no tips.


Basically, here's what I need:


Transfer Data by Date:

  • Net Sales
  • Tips
  • Fees
  • Total Transfer


That's it!  Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Hey @raehenderson.


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community.


We don't currently have a single report that contains daily sales, daily transfer, including tips and fees. This is a suggestion we've seen before though, and I can see how helpful it would be for a business owner.


The two reports that would give you the information you need are probably ones you've already located. It would be the Daily Sales Summary, with the daily setting selected:




Then I would also download/export the Transfer Report. Apologies that we don't have a combination of the two. We're working hard to make a more customizable reporting section in the future. We appreciate your patience. 



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I'd like to add my vote for a report of deposits over a period of time.  I can get the information to show up on the Balance - Transfer  screen (Date  Type  Location  Amount) but when you select the  Export function, you get unintelligible data.


I don't want to sound overly harsh because in general I like the Square product.  But honestly, I don't know how this report is not one of the first things you delivered with the product.


I assume that all Square users reconcile their Square deposits with their bank records - this report is indispensable for that purpose.


I would all one more column to the fields that are included:  Transfer Fees (probably only a factor with Instant Transfers)


Thanks for consideration and please make this a priority.  Again, I am shocked this is not standard.

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