
Line item price on invoices, can you change so each line doesn't need/show a price?

We charge a total amount for our services, not by item. However, our invoices do require to be descriptive and have several lines. So in the case of Square invoices, they are the line items. However, with each line item it shows: item, quantity, price and total for columns and in the price and total column, if don't put a price, it shows as $0.00 on all lines. Is there any way to not show those $0.00? Examples using bogus items. Currently an invoice shows as the below by creating a line item for each: (I have to bullet it to get the format right on this forum, sorry) 

  • Item                                                          Quantity        Price          T otal
  • Deep cleaned upstiars hall                          1              $0.00          $0.00
  • Placed board upstairs                                  3              $0.00         $0.00
  • Hung blinds upstairs                                    1              $0.00          $0.00
  • Total upstairs (added as a line item)           1              $100.00      $100.00
  • Deep cleaned downstairs hall                     1             $0.00           $0.00
  • Placed board downstairs                             3            $0.00            $0.00
  • Hung blinds downstairs                               1             $0.00           $0.00
  • Total downstairs (added as a line item)      1             $100.00        $100.00
  •                                                                            Subtotal                  $200.00
  •                                                                            Tax                               $0.00
  •                                                                            Total                        $200.00


We want it to display as:

  • Item                                                          Quantity        Price          Total
  • Deep cleaned upstiars hall                           1
  • Placed board upstairs                                   3
  • Hung blinds upstairs                                     1
  • Total upstairs (added as a line item)            1          $100.00       $100.00
  • Deep cleaned downstairs hall                      1
  • Placed board downstairs                              3
  • Hung blinds downstairs                                1
  • Total downstairs (added as a line item)       1         $100.00        $100.00
  •                                                                                  Subtotal          $200.00
  •                                                                                  Tax                  $0.00
  •                                                                                  Total                $200.00
Message 1 of 3

Ok so it didn't diplay as I typed it, I tried to replicate the invloce. Basicly, when you put a line item, and no price, it displays as $0.00 as each line. We want it to where, in a line where we put no price, to display blank, and not have $0.00. It's basiclly used as each line is a descrition of services with no price. With a line item after the descritons of the total amount.

Message 2 of 3
Square Champion

I see where you're going here...


Quick answer is there isn't a way to show a blank priced item as a line item, even if it is a $0 item.


Do you have a specific reason why each service rendered needs to be a line item? If you're using it for tracking the service as an item for reports, or is it just a way for your client to know what you did.


If it's the second, I would recommend only entering the Total Upstairs and Total Downstairs line items (as per your example). If you click on the Customize link by the item name, you'll get a spot where you can put notes in. That's where I would put the "Deep Cleaned/Placed Boards/Hung Blinds" part. This will print on the invoice as well as show under the item on an email.


If you're tracking the services, then your best bet is just to ignore the $0 part at this moment.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 3 of 3