
Item not showing as out of stock on app

Hi guys, 


I have recently set up a square account and have successfully been using the app as our POS in our shop which has been great, but we are also launching our website this week and items that become out of stock (due to sales on the website or sold in the shop) are still available to add to the basket from the Square POS. Is there a way for it to show in the checkout items list as ‘out of stock’ or have a warning message show before you process the transaction to ensure you are not overselling items? I have searched & gone through various settings but can’t see a way to do this, so any help would be great! 

Many thanks,


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Hi @SashaAtModRev, thank you for your post!


When an item sells out or is no longer in stock, it won't be available to purchase through the Square Online and people won't be able to add it to their basket.


However, if you are processing a sale from the Square Point of Sale app, you won't be blocked from selling an out of stock item. There isn't a feature to have a warning message within the app right now. If you click into the item, you will see that the inventory will be updated to show sold out items as 0 or below. 


You can also set a low stock alert so that if an item's in-stock quantity falls below a certain number (which you can determined). When this is set, you'll receive an email notifications to let you know the stocks have fallen, and you'll also see the alert when viewing your items on Dashboard. More information about this can be found here



Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Hi @tranguyen,


Thanks for the reply. I have already set the low stock alerts ect but it won’t always be myself who is in the shop and therefore it would be great to have an option to show items as out of stock, or for them to be automatically removed from the checkout item list when an item reaches 0 stock - is this a feature Square could look into providing as part of the auto inventory, as I am sure it would benefit a lot of businesses who sell both online and in store. 

Thanks, Sasha 

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Thanks for reaching back out @SashaAtModRev! It will definitely be an useful feature to have. I've flagged this as a feature request to our Product team and will be sure to update this thread if I have any further updates. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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