
Item Sales Report - Are times based on orders or payments?

For example, I have an Item Sales report for 5pm-7pm. If a customer orders an item at 6:30pm and pays at 7:30pm, will that item sale be on the report?


We are a full service restaurant and bar with open tabs, so payment might be hours after an item is ordered. We're hoping Item Sales reports are based on the order's timestamp and not the payment's timestamp. Thanks!

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

Orders are counted as sales when the ticket is closed. So yeah, if you have open tabs, that order could be counted long after the order is taken.


I believe Square's rationale is this (I could be wrong here): by counting the order when you close the ticket means that you won't run into any issues with your deposits if you open a ticket one day but close it the next. You're not having to play the "where'd my money go?" game.


Also, be aware: as Square is now, your time stamp on the Open Ticket is a variable: it will change to the last time the ticket is accessed, not when it was created. Presumably for the same reason I mentioned above. So with your scenario, the sale wouldn't be recorded at 6:30 at all. It'll show on all sales and deposit reports at 7:30.


Hope this helps!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 4

Is there anything in the works to record the time an item was added to a tab? It would be helpful to know from an operational standpoint where my busy times are. Reporting on when the tab is closed/paid/settled isn't helpful in determining this as a tab could be open for a couple of hours and not settled until the server has time to go back and enter tips. If it is a busy day, this might not happen until the end of their shift which means all the sales look like they happen within the last hour. A timestamp for the actual order time (versus settle time, which is already there) on the Items Detail export would be incredibly helpful.

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Thank you for taking the time to share your interest in time tracking items added to Open Tickets @ctkach I recommend you submit a Feature Request here. This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers' interest in your request.


Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature will help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it).

Community Moderator, Square
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