
Is there a way to manage the same inventory at multiple locations?

We sell meat at Farmer's Market and offer different pick-up locations. I am wanting to run the same inventory between all locations/pick-up places. If there's not a way to combine inventory at multiple locations is there a way to add different pick-up locations?

Message 1 of 4

Hi @amranchciara thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Seller Community. 


Square has a  multiple location management feature allows you to consolidate your business locations under one account, but oversee and manage each location with its specific employees, devices, and items separately.


Read more about multiple location management here. I'll leave some threads of other sellers experiences here


You can then add different pick up locations from your Square Online Dashboard > Settings > Pickup & Settings, click to edit each location to configure their own specific pick up settings.


I hope this helps!


Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Message 2 of 4

I have a similar situation as this previous poster, which doesn't note whether the suggestions worked for him or not. I found that they did not work for me though.




I have the same issue as the OP. We are a farm that sells on Farm and through Square Online. We offer "Pickup" locations for customers that do not want to come all the way to the farm to pickup their products purchased online. These "Pickup" locations are in the parking lots of grocery stores during specified times; e.g. Monday from 5:00pm to 5:15pm at Location 1, 5:45pm - 6:00pm at Location 2, 6:30pm - 6:45pm at Location 3. This model is more like a delivery, just not to their preferred location like their home.

I want to sell from the same inventory but allow customers to select their desired pickup "location" from the defined list. Instead what I'm seeing is that if I'm going to track inventory I need to add inventory to each location; otherwise, even though a location is an "How to get" option the item will be listed as "Item not available". This will quickly get out of hand to manage since all product is coming from the same physical inventory.

Is there a way to back my way into managing/tracking inventory centrally but have available across all the locations?

Message 3 of 4

There doesn't seem to be a clean/straight way to sell at multiple locations, but manage inventory centrally.

If I turn off Stock Management then everything can be ordered for all locations, which would result in selling product I don't have.

If I enable Stock Management for the farm location, but disable stock management at the other locations the customer sees what is in stock when they select the farm location. But can order anything from the other locations regardless of whether I have it in stock at the Farm location.

At this point, it looks like leveraging Locations to meet my need for "Pickup Locations" will not work unless I completely forego stock management. Which is something I don't want to do since it can result in customers buy product we do not have in stock.

Message 4 of 4