
If I sell an item with my Square reader is the inventory on my Wix site updated?

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Wix


Hi i just purchased a Square card reader as i was under the impression i could link it to my WIX website inventory, so when i sold an item on my reader it would automatically update my website inventory. I cannot see how to do this. Please advise?

Message 1 of 11
Square Champion

The first thing you'll have to do is link your wix site to Square. Check out the Apps -> eCommerce section of the dashboard to get started.


After that, there should be a way to link the data to your Square account. I'm using WooCommerce for my webstore, and it was the matter of installing the Square plugin on my Woo site, logging into my Square account from the Woo interface, and initiating a link between the two. I would bet that it's the same for Wix.


Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 11

I use Square for my Wix platform. I just can't link Inventory. I've done searches on Threads back to 2016 and 2017, all talk about "coming soon". Can someone post an Update on this ? If I sell stuff on the website and I sell stuff at shows or in my shop they don't link.


IF..... this isn't an option. Is there a better software or app or something to link inventory.  I really need to get a handle on inventory in this coming year.


If someone has info or recommendation please post them or email me @ Moosie@Catchandrelease.us 


Thanks in advance !!!

Message 3 of 11

Hey @CRCamo -


@ryanwanner responded to a similar question. I've moved your post so you can learn how to link your inventory from Wix to Square. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 11

@JustinC , @ryanwanner @earthglade 


I looked at Woo Commerce and linking it to WIX. It said "Coming Soon".


I have a website built in WIX and want to link inventory to Square. This topic looks like it links Square to Woo Commerce and not Wix. Am I missing something ? 


I'm willing to pay someone to help me do this. Would it be better to ditch WIX and just build on a different site ? I have a lot of Money dumped into Wix and would like to keep it.


Not sure if it helps but my website is www.CatchAndRelease.us



Message 5 of 11

I am having the exact same issue. It's extremely frustrating. I contacted wix where I have square linked up as my pos and they found one transaction that was by cc instead of paypal, where square could trace it and find out why I can't see any of the square transactions on wix, and I can't figure out how to have a single inventory. Do you know a customer support phone number for square?

Message 6 of 11

I just found this: frustrating answer.




Just to clarify.  Payments get processed through our Wix Store, BUT our Wix inventory cannot be accessed through the Square point of Sale app.  So, currently, there is no method of integration that allows us to view our actual Wix inventory when using the card reader from our mobile or tablet.  Is this correct?



@wyrdbydesign The Wix integration allows you to manage inventory from your Wix Store Manager. I don't believe you can access your Wix Inventory from the Point of Sale app directly, but Wix Support might have a workaround for this

Message 7 of 11

So, "Might be a solution if you look into it more", or "Coming soon" are ways to soften the reality of there is flat out NO way of doing this. No work around, no solution.


I'm OK with that answer, I have to switch to a platform that works and tracks inventory and sales. Square and Wix was a good low level, quick easy start, but now it's time to upgrade to a platform that works together.


It's frustrating that when I launched a year ago I got a "coming soon". Don't put that as an answer because that dates back to 2016... That's a long time for a "coming soon". We are rolling into 2020.

Message 8 of 11

Can you link your inventory through square and Wix website?

Message 9 of 11

Hey there, @MMedl - Happy to read your first post! 🎉


I found a thread where a seller asked a similar question. Check out @ryanwanner's response for steps to link your Square Account with Wix.


Hope you find this helpful! 

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 10 of 11



So Square keeps referring you/me/others to other posts.. What they mean to say is NO, there is no way to like inventory. No, Nadda, Nix.....


Not happening.


YAh, Pretty frustrating but that's the correct answer.

Message 11 of 11