
How we can arrange a modifier for different size for an item?

I couldn't find an option to arrange modifiers in order to create price for different size. For example:
Item Name: Pizza
Variations(Sizes): 10''/14''/16''/18''/28''

I want to use same ingredients in an modifiers with different price.
I can not create different price for sizes. When i create a modifier there no option to change price for sizes.


Thanks for your support

Message 1 of 6

Hello @josephblack


I want to make sure I understand your question first. You sell pizzas that come in various sizes. You've created a modifier set for all of the toppings, but you need the prices on the modifiers to change in correlation with the pizza size? 

Message 2 of 6

Hi Chad,


Yes, that's what i want. I'm looking for your answer.


Thanks @Chad 

Message 3 of 6

Got it @josephblack


Currently, we do not have the ability to have modifier sets change in price based on an item variation. It's an interesting suggestion I will share with our Item Library team. 


The only work around I can think of is to turn the variations of pizza into individual items. So you would have three items large, medium, and small pizza's. I would create a corresponding modifier set for each size. That will allow you to change the price of the toppings based on the size of the pizza. 🙂

Message 4 of 6

We have been in need for this a long time as well. We also sell pizzas at different sizes. We use variations to allow users to select their size. However we need the modifiers (in our case toppings) to have different prices based on the variation. This is extremely common for restaurants or cafes that sell things in different sizes. At the POS level that staff uses we just have tons of modifier sets that have to scroll through and pick the correct sized modifier set for the size of variation. Where all of this breaks down is online ordering. We should not expose customers to hundreds of modifiers in our POS and expect them to honor system choose the modifier that corresponds to the correct size pizza variation (if they can even make sense of it all). If anyone has suggestions please let us know. Don't even get me started on the half/half pizza situation with the Square POS system.

Message 5 of 6

I've been dealing with this, too.  What I've done is to create subcategories for each pizza.  Like 'Specialties' is full of subcategories ('Deluxe' 'Garden'....) and each subcategory has three separate items for the sizes we offer ('personal deluxe', 'medium deluxe', 'extra large deluxe'.  Then, three modifiers for each size.  (Personal 'All' toppings, Personal '1st half' toppings, Personal '2nd half' toppings, Medium 'All', Medium '1st half', etc).  


I LEARNED THE HARD WAY THAT IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR HALF TOPPINGS TO HAVE 1ST HALF OR 2ND HALF IN THE NAME OF EACH CHOICE.  Otherwise, Medium Pepperoni Extra Cheese prints the same as Medium 1st half Pepperoni 2nd half Extra Cheese.


It's not ideal, but it's the best I've come up with.  It takes a long time to set up, btw.


Variations didn't work for me.


You can check it out in action.  It's a little awkward to explain, but I think when you see it you'll get the idea.


La Vostra Pizza 


I just did this this morning so it might turn out to be a terrible idea, but it seems to be working so far.

Message 6 of 6