
How to pull a list of customers who have purchased an item (ie event tickets)?

We use Square to sell tickets to events we hold in store. We like being able to either sell a ticket in store on POS, or online with the Square Online website. We create the product in the POS side, then change it to an Event Ticket for Online sales.

However, when we went to run a list of participants for an event we ran recently, we were unable to do so. I can't find any way to get a list of customers who purchased a ticket to an event that takes into account all sources. I can check my orders on Square Online for those who purchased from our website, but this does not include anyone who purchased a ticket in store on our POS. On the POS side, I cannot pull a report to tell me which customers purchased a ticket to the event at all on the Dashboard. (This feels linked to the lack of customer reporting available, as requested here.)


Is there a way to get a report of the name of every customer that purchased an item, regardless of whether they purchased it via our POS or Online? (Ideally a report that can then be printed out or turned into a PDF?)

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Hi @PLHLtd, thanks for sharing this! There isn't a great way to get a report of the name of every customer that purchased an item, regardless of where they are purchasing from but there is a workaround we can try.


On your Dashboard, navigate to Transactions and select your date range. Next. click the Card # field and change this to Item. You can enter the name of the ticket to search for it. This will bring up all transactions related to this item.


Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 10.17.49.png



Next, click Export > Transactions CSV. This sheet will give you all the transactions related to the specific item and there should be a column with Customer Name. It's important to note that a customer needed to added to the sale in order for their name to appear here. 


Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 10.18.34.png



I hope this will help!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Thanks Tra, I suppose as a temporary workaround I'll have to use that (though I'll still have to manually check for tickets purchased on our webstore, too).


Can you please confirm this is being resolved, as being unable to pull a list of all ticket holders when selling event tickets through Square is quite an oversight?

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Using this, you should be able to see ticket sales from both the website and from in-store, @PLHLtd! And I've shared this with the appropriate team as a feature request as well. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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