
How do I increase the price of all items by a certain percentage?

My food truck business will be up and running shortly. Some of the areas I plan to operate in charge as much as $650 per week to park your food truck (this particular area is a very popular tourist attraction). Other areas charge much cheaper rates such as $50 per day or less.


I'm trying to figure out a way to increase the price of all my food items by 15% or more to help cover operating costs when I serve food in this particular area or other areas where it costs considerably more to operate. I see where you can create multiple prices/sizes/SKUs for each item. Is there a way to do this percentage increase across all items other than manually creating a separate price point for each item? Could it be done with a tax? If so, would I just name it the area I'm operating in instead of tax so and so? I don't know how the tax will print out on the receipt, and it's likely customers would notice the difference in tax from the normal 6% state sales tax. When I was looking for a thread to answer my question, I read a few posts about charging people a surcharge to make up for the credit card processing fees and having to fill out forms before one does this. I am NOT trying to do this. I just want to make sure that whatever price increase I assign to my items won't be misconstrued as a credit card surcharge to the customer.


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you

Message 1 of 2

I have a site that can increase or decrease prices based on categories and it's free to use.

The caveat is your items need to be in a category.

MWS Priceman


When modifying using percentages, choose the percent increase/decrease option.

When recovering to the original price, use the percent recovery option.

A negative value can be used in the percent recovery to reduce the price after an increase.


One thing to think about is how odd some of the prices might look with percentage increases and decreases.

Sometimes dollar amounts would be better. 


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