
How do I create multiple sales personnel log in points?

I coordinate a Cub Scout Pack popcorn sales fundraiser every year.  I have different parents manning our sales booth, using their own phones to record credit sales.  Currently, they all use the same log in as I do.  That allows them into the back section of the account.  I want to be able to let them record sales, but not access the controls to reset price or inventory.  How do I create that log in?  Do I create separate email/password/access codes for each seller?  I don't care which parent is logging in, so I can use a single POS log in, instead of different for each parent, but I need a way to keep pricing, inventory and bank access restricted.

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Square Champion

Hello @Pack4383 thanks for your post. If everyone is using the same login, and that log in is also the one you use, you can't restrict certain areas of your account; that would be like you're trying to hide them from yourself lol. The best option I can think of is to create Team Members for each parent selling. They would have to create their own login, but then you can restrict certain parts of the account so only you can see/edit them.




I hope this helps answer your question.

Homestyle Charlie
Handmade Heirloom Ornaments & Charms
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Message 3 of 4
Square Champion

I agree with @HC_Charlie Easiest way would be to set up different team members with the parents, OR setting up 1 team member with the app restrictions and allowing the parents to all use that one team member log in if the parents that help are constantly changing. Things can get pretty sketch when so many different people have your square log in, because they can then access you square account on any platform which can be pretty dangerous. So definitely set them up with a team member account and put all those restrictions on there so they can't access all your business information.


The nice thing is that if you set each parent up as a team member you can deactivate their profile after the event so they cant log in after the fact and if they end up helping you again in the future you can reactivate their account! We have done that with some of our employees that are in college and come back during the summer.

Lovewell Tea & Coffee//
Ventura, Ca

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