
How can i mass load item images?

We have over 2k items each with an image.  Is there a faster way to upload images for each items without having to edit each item and uploading an image?

Message 1 of 53
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hi @stjgiftshop, welcome to the Community. Currently, there isn't a way to bulk upload item images unfortunately. For now your images do have to be uploaded individually, either from the Dashboard, or mobile device. 


Definitely understand how much work that would save! It's not currently something in development, but I'll track the suggestion with our product and update here should that change in the future. 

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Message 2 of 53

Best Answer

Hi @stjgiftshop, welcome to the Community. Currently, there isn't a way to bulk upload item images unfortunately. For now your images do have to be uploaded individually, either from the Dashboard, or mobile device. 


Definitely understand how much work that would save! It's not currently something in development, but I'll track the suggestion with our product and update here should that change in the future. 

Message 2 of 53

This seems an odd oversight - I too expected to be able to upload images in batch.  Would you put that into a feature request and keep me updated ?

Message 3 of 53


I will do that @pables


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️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 4 of 53

I'm in the process of preparing our Square Online store for broader use, and need to add images for over 10,000 items (we previously used it only for preorder items and some local pickup orders).


For my easy items (items for which the image names include a vendor SKU or similar identifier, and for which the vendor has provided me with a library of uploadable art), I average about 21 seconds per item.  If all of my items were that easy, I'd still be looking at more than 58 hours of data entry! And not all of my items are that easy.


Some of my vendors even provide online image libraries, and they include the image URLs in a spreadsheet of all their SKUs. If you'd allow an image URL field, I wouldn't have to upload anything other than the address, and that would save you on storage space, too!


This increases the Suck Factor for Square for Retail tremendously, and is one of the reasons why I hesitate to recommend Square immediately when asked.

Message 5 of 53

I have an excel file that has each item with SKU , Description, Price and image embedded in a Excel Cell that resides on the item row for each SKU Number... Why can't this image be imported into a Catalog?  Surely your database structure includes image storage. I use MySql and it easily stores an image in a library and the database points to that image.  This is an a feature that many would welcome for a POS system to rapid deployments.  When you have hundreds and thousands of items within your store you are relegated to uploading one picture at a time and then assigning it to an item entry.  Come on!

Message 6 of 53

Four years later, is there any update on this? 

Message 7 of 53
Square Community Moderator

Hi @UTUBookstopre - Welcome back to The Seller Community


Great Question.

I can totally see the need for a feature like this and how beneficial it could be for sellers. At this time, there has not been any updates on Square offering this feature as of yet. I'll be happy to move this over to a feature request board so that our engineers have visibility of your suggestion. We appreciate you following up on this request. While there is no time frame for when it will be implemented, i'm happy to make sure our engineers have eyes on your request. 


As always, feel free to stop by The Community with question, concerns and even feature requests. We are more than happy to assist.


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 8 of 53

Please Update.  This is really a core function.

Message 9 of 53
Square Community Moderator



Thanks for reaching out. Welcome to The Seller Community!


I agree it is a core function, and I understand the frustration of all the work you have to do to get those uploaded. 


I will resurface this to the Product Team myself again for visibility.  Our team does try to accommodate and implement requests as soon as possible. Once this update is released we will definitely be updating this thread. 


So sorry about any inconvenience.  Thank you for providing you feedback!



Square Community Moderator
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Message 10 of 53

Hi, I am new to the seller community, I purchase the 1 year upgrade, and I really wish I had researched further before buying space. This is a major drawback, we have thousands of items, and this has crippled my site, having the time which is going to take hundreds of hours to add the images 1 item at a time. Squarespace and other comparable sites have this feature built in; I am regretting my purchase due to the lack of this feature. Is there an update on this feature? 

Message 11 of 53
Square Community Moderator

Hi @thewizardshat thanks for reaching out to us here and welcome to the Seller Community!

I wish I had more news to share on this feature request at this time. We'll continue to advocate for this feature by passing your feedback on to our Product Team. Once we have an update to share, we'll be sure to tag everyone in this thread.

Regarding your Square Online plan, we offer full refunds for services within our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. We suggest reaching out to our Support Team if you'd like to discuss options of refunding or downgrading plans.

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 12 of 53

I was asked by a friend who is taking his store online due to covid-19 with help uploading images for 1,000- sku's.


Based on some initial research this looks to be possible as a custom development solution using their developer documentation. I'm going to take a crack at it over the next couple of days as a one off solution.  


Does any body else have this problem?


I'd be interested to hear you unique needs. Maybe I'll convert it into a more robust solution.



- Peter

Message 13 of 53

This has to be one of the biggest drawbacks. We can definitely bulk upload items.. but not images. We have spent too much time uploading images.


Please help us small biz owners in time of COVID.

Message 14 of 53

Hey @JoeOnline-


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community.


We understand this limitation is not ideal, and can cause a lot of extra work by having to upload each image individually. I can assure you that we are working on developing a way to bulk upload item images. With the new update to our Online Store, we understand how important of a feature this is.


When I hear an update on the development of this feature, I'll make sure to post in this thread. Thank you for your patience. 

Message 15 of 53

So, it's 8 months later for a basic feature. Yet no response or comments on this from Weebly despite it being requested by the community since 2017. On what planet should we expect people to buy items without a photo?

Message 16 of 53

my images are in the CSV file is this also a limitation of Square that it wont import them because it imported the image links but not their positions so the images aren't populating.  Is there a way around this since it diud allow me to upload and import the image links...

Message 17 of 53

I'm staring this beast in the face right now. I have over 10,000 items, and the easy ones require about 21 seconds for me to specify the product image.  Do the math: That's over 58 hours of data entry ahead of me, and that's the ideal if all of my items were easy.


What's "easy"? The vendor provided a library of images, the names of which include the vendor SKU.


Only about 1/3 (at most) of my items fall into the easy category.

Message 18 of 53

New to this platform but not to web coding. 

I'm continually frustrated at the lack of scalability of this platform.

I have around 100-150 items for sale and I'm wanting to update existing images for items already entered. Normally I would just log into an account and upload new files to the images folder, overwriting the old files with new ones. This is a basic feature that should be available. A website interface for this should be easy to make, every web host offer this. Unless I'm missing something, currently I will need to open each item, remove the images that are there, add the new images, arrange them in the order I want them, then save. Provided your website interface is running smoothly (not a given) this could take me 2 hours to make happen, instead of 30 sec.

Once I scale up to 1,000 items, it could take me two days of doing nothing but updating images.

Is there an advanced feature I'm missing here?


I'm continually running into basic issues with this platform that involve scalability. This makes me question if anyone at Square actually uses this platform for a real business of even modest size.


You already have a web interface to bulk upload images for a single item, they must be going someplace central. Can this be expanded to upload in bulk for all items?


It seems like a simple thing that someone else should have thought of already.





Message 19 of 53

Thanks for the detailed feedback. As you've noticed, there isn't a way to bulk upload images but it's a definitely a feature request our Product Team has heard before and continuously tracking. 


Hopefully we have some news to share in the near future. Stay tuned for updates @ryanspeth

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 20 of 53

This is simple and necessary and according to this thread has been asked about for over 3 YEARS.  Add a URL field to the spreadsheet that it can access and upload from - many other platforms do this.  I have over 10,000 items and you want me to upload each picture manually - you're crazy.  I guess maybe it's time to really check out other platforms which is a shame because I have been with Square with my two companies since you started - so many many years.  But between this and allowing overselling of items - another thing that has been on discussion threads for even more years - I think I'm done.

Message 21 of 53