Square Champion

FR: Sales by customer reporting

Feature Request: Sales by customer reporting


Hi @tranguyen 


I can see there was a request from 2018 in USA requesting sales by customer. We very much need this type of reporting. Is it possible now? If not, please consider this a feature request.


Thank you

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Hi @nella, thanks for sharing this! 


From looking on my end, It looks like the only reports we can generate to show sales by customers and ranking them is by adding the Average Spend and Total Spent to your Customer Directory


Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 09.57.56.png



I'll make sure to share this feature request with our team to see if we can build out a report independent from the Customer Directory as well. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Square Champion

Thank you, @tranguyen .


One thing I've noticed is that customer visits is calculated by number of times a customer makes a payment. For invoices that rely on deposit and/or milestone payments I think this in an incorrect way to record number of visits. Each invoice should count as a maximum of one 'visit' regardless of number of payments made to settle the invoice in full. 


In the current way visits are calculated, you can have a customer who has one invoice to his name at a value of £1,000, for example. He paid a deposit and then the balance. Currently, this is recorded as two visits and therefore the report shows £500 'average spend', i.e. per visit. We consider this to be actually only one visit and therefore it should be £1,000 average spend per visit, in this example. 


Thank you.

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Square Champion

Hi @tranguyen 


Also, the report shown in the Customer Directory shows "Average Spend", which means "average spend per visit". This is useful but what is also needed and would be more useful is "average spend per XX months over the last YY months", for example "average spend per 06 months over the past 24 months", or "average spend per 01 months over the past 12 months". The number of months is set by the user. 


We work on a seasonal basis, everything coincides with this. To know the average spend over seasons is necessary. 


In the example above XX is the season and YY is the period (number of seasons) the user wishes to analyse.


Thank you. 

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