Beta Member

Discounts not appearing on register

I have composed and saved 8 discounts, but only 6 show up in the register.

Not sure why this is or waht to.

please help





Message 1 of 48
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

@jbc Welcome to the Seller Community! 🎉  I'm glad you came here to ask this question. 


@NLAUtah has brought up a great point. You want to make sure all of your discounts are enabled for your location. You can check this on your Square Dashboard. 


  1. Sign on to your Square Dashboard.
  2. Select Items on the left hand side of the screen.
  3. Then choose discounts in the top right.
  4. Once you have selected your desired discount and you can see if it is enabled at your location. 

If this still doesn't fix the issue I would recomend signing out of your account and then back in. Sometimes this is required to apply changes made on the Square Dashboard. 


If you have any other questions please feel free to write back! ✏️

View Best Answer >

Message 3 of 48

For the 2 missing discounts, look at their configuration on the website. Specifically do you have the Location set properly for each?

Message 2 of 48

Best Answer

@jbc Welcome to the Seller Community! 🎉  I'm glad you came here to ask this question. 


@NLAUtah has brought up a great point. You want to make sure all of your discounts are enabled for your location. You can check this on your Square Dashboard. 


  1. Sign on to your Square Dashboard.
  2. Select Items on the left hand side of the screen.
  3. Then choose discounts in the top right.
  4. Once you have selected your desired discount and you can see if it is enabled at your location. 

If this still doesn't fix the issue I would recomend signing out of your account and then back in. Sometimes this is required to apply changes made on the Square Dashboard. 


If you have any other questions please feel free to write back! ✏️

Message 3 of 48

I've followed the recommended steps and all our discounts are still not displaying. Any other recommendations? 

Message 4 of 48

Hey @barkpark_chi, thanks for taking the time to troubleshoot.


One other factor that could affect the display of discounts in your app, is if the word "discount" isn't included in the name of the discount itself. This becomes more evident for sellers who have larger item libraries. For example, if you have multiple discounts and you search for them by typing in the specific name to the Item Library — are you able to get it to show up?


As a workaround, I would suggest making sure that "discount" is included with the Discount Name. This should help you locate the appropriate item quickly during the sale.


Hope this helps clear things up. Please don't hesitate to reply if I'm missing the mark here, or if you have any other questions about this.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 5 of 48

Unfortunately, that did not resolve the issue 😞 

Message 6 of 48
Square Community Moderator

Hi @barkpark_chi


I was able to check in on this for you and it looks like all of your discounts that have been created in your Square Dashboard are present within the app as well. 


Was this still happening on your end or were you able to get everything sorted out? 

Message 7 of 48

I am having the exact same thing happen to me.  Just created 6 discounts in a variety of ways and yes location is checked as well as check for future locations.  No matter I how create them they will not show.  And yes I have signed in and back out multiple times 😞

Message 8 of 48

Try deletting all your discouts and when reentering them do it from the same device.  Test after each one to make sure they show up under discount drop down in items from pos.  Weird but I did that and they are now showing.  Don't ask why hope you have some luck.  I will do more testing to see if I can reproduce them disappearing as I am not sure what I did different other then delete them all and add them on the same device same session.  I been beating my head against the wall with this for 3 weeks lol

Message 9 of 48

We're having the same problem with a newly setup account. I've checked that they're enabled for the location, disabled them for some and all locations, re-enabled the locations, created some new ones, deleted all then recreated them, and logged in and out at various points with no change. The one consistent factor is that Fixed % discounts show up, variable % and fixed or variable dollar amounts don't. A new fixed percentage discount shows up immediately when I make a sale, variable ones created before it don't. Whether the name includes the word "discount" or not doesn't matter. I'm using the iPhone app and canceling the sale after checking what discounts are available. I can test on the iPad tomorrow.


(I tried posting this last night but it didn't go through, apologies if it ends up duplicated.)

Message 10 of 48
Square Community Moderator

@Burger What was the result with the iPad? 


Did you make sure that all of your Point of Sale apps have been updated to the latest version?


If so, we might need for you to get in contact with us directly so that our Support Team can walk through this with you and try to replicate the issue. 

Message 11 of 48

This happens on a brand new account with a fresh install of the app on an iPad and also on an iPhone. I'm with another non-profit that's been using Square for a couple of years and it turns out it's happening there too. We have a fixed $25 discount that was created at least a year ago and it doesn't show up either. We never used it so I hadn't noticed. Just to be sure, I created a variable dollar and variable percentage discount there and they also don't show up in the Register. That account has had a couple of app updates and logouts. Two other things that probably mean nothing: 1) I've created all the recent discounts in Firefox, I'm pretty sure the other accounts discounts were created using Chrome on Windows. I just created one for the another account using Safari and I'll check that when I get there. I also just created one in the app on my iPhone and it doesn't show up either. 2) I also tried creating one with a $0 amount and an error message popped up saying to enter a number between 1 and 100. Perhaps the error checking is doing something without popping up a message? Just to be clear: ONLY fixed percentage discounts appear during a sale, Fixed dollar amount and variable percentage discounts don't show up even though I can see them by going to Items/Discounts in the Point of Sale app.
Message 12 of 48
Square Community Moderator

@Burger I just looked into this for you further. 


I was able to confirm that each and every discount that appears in your Square Dashboard also shows up on the Point of Sale app with your account using an iPhone 7. 


Did you make sure you're logged into the correct account? It seems you've created your discounts correctly, so there shouldn't be an issue there. 


Give us a call and we'll figure out what's happening. 

Message 13 of 48

For anyone else who is running into this problem, I talked to Support this morning and it turns out there are multiple ways to apply a discount. I had been bringing up the sale onscreen and going to the modifier page where you can add a note, change the sales tax status (if it applies in your location) and apply a discount. On that page ONLY fixed percentage discounts are available. The other way to do it is once you have items added to the sale, bring up the item list, find the discount you want and add it to the sale. Doing it that way ALL the discounts are available. One issue is that doing it my way you the discount is applied to individual items in the list not the entire sale, doing it the other way the discount applies to all items in that sale, even if they're added after you select the discount. There are advantages both ways, hopefully they'll fix the modifier page to include all types of discounts.
Message 14 of 48

Any word on this issue yet?  I’ve typically always used the discount buttons and applied them to the sale as a whole, but I’d really like to have them available under the modifiers per item the way the fixed % works.  I would think this would be a fairly simple addition.

Message 15 of 48
Square Community Moderator

Hi @ODoggys


There's nothing new to report on this, but there's a few workarounds and solutions that a few other sellers have provided. 


Did any of them work for you? 

Message 16 of 48

We’ve always had the discounts built into their own page with individual “buttons”... which has always worked well, but looking for a different option.  

Message 17 of 48
Square Community Moderator

@ODoggys I see. Hopefully we can get some sort of better solution released in the future. 


If anything changes we'll post an update here. 

Message 18 of 48

The title of this thread has been updated from: " Discounts not appearing on register"

Please help - in the old stand system we were able to add discounts whenever we wanted to.  I have a Clothing business so we offer credit for returns, not full refunds.  In the old system we were able to add a discount right at checkout, ie a credit.  Now, nothing :(.  I can’t be going into my dashboard every single time we have to run a credit to the customer.  Help!  Love the new registers but if this doesn’t work we will have to return them 😞

Message 19 of 48
Beta Member

This is EXACTLY my problem.  I have about 20 different discounts in the system, yet ONLY the FIXED % discounts (4 of them) show when an item is selected.  

The ones that don't show up are:

- Variable $ discounts

- Variable % discounts

- Set $ off discounts

All of the discounts do show up in the "items / discounts category" creation tab so I know they are in the system. Hope this gets resolved.  Can we get an expedite on fixing this bug?

Message 20 of 48

Hi @Donuts, sorry to hear that you're encountering trouble with this as well. I don't have any developments on this but I will be sure to flag your post with the appropriate team.


In the meantime, hopefully Burger's posts from 06-23-2017 and 07-03-2017 help you navigate through this issue. We'll reply to this thread as soon as any other updates become available.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 21 of 48