
Create Shipping label

When I set up Square online, we tested the whole system, which included creating/printing shipping labels. When I try and do that now, I can see the 'create shipping label' option, but it doesn't do anything. Can anyone help?


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Hi @Bia, welcome to the Seller Community!


From looking into this and doing some testing on my end, the ability to print shipping labels is not available in the UK at the moment. It is a feature in the US and we are hoping to bring this to sellers in the UK soon..


While it is not possible to print shipping labels, you can print packing slips from your Square Dashboard or from your Square for Retail app


Additionally, while printing shipping label is not a feature with Square Online site right now, we do have an integration with Shippo which offers this functionality

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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