
Chip cards chargebacks

 Chip Reader. I don't have one and just use the swiper. Can a customer receive a chargeback? I have a form they physically sign stating they made the purchase, we checked their ID, they agree to no chargebacks, last 4 of CC, purchase amount, date or purchase, printed name, signature. This form is also at the bottom of our receipts for all purchases (you can see it online and they see it through email/text). Will I still be covered on a chargeback if this form is signed, even if they have a chip and we use the swiper? 

This is what our form states: "I have made a purchase from Rustrial Renovations Estate Sales & More and do hereby give full permission to charge my debit/credit card for the entire amount of the transaction. I acknowledge that Rustrial Renovations Estate Sales & More has confirmed my identity regarding this purchase. I understand this may show up as a Square transaction on my credit card statement and the location may vary. I acknowledge Rustrial Renovations Estate Sales & More sells all items as-is and will not issue any type of refund or exchange for any items after my purchase. I also understand this is a permanent transaction and I agree not to open any chargebacks with my credit card company. If I do, this signed document will be provided as proof to be used against me. By signing below, I agree to and understand the above statements."

Message 1 of 9

Thanks for writing in! Even if your customer authorizes the transaction, they are still able to open up a payment dispute with their bank. That's because it's a privilege upheld by their card-issuing bank, rather than Square. Once we get notice of a dispute, we reach out to the seller to get more information and documentation so we can challenge the dispute on their behalf.

However, we are not able to challenge EMV disputes. These disputes are automatically closed in favor of the customer due to the EMV Liability Shift. The reason you should use a Square Contactless and Chip Reader, rather than the old-fashioned magstripe reader, is to make sure you are protected from this type of dispute.  

These new chip cards (aka EMV cards) are meant to prevent the counterfeiting of magnetic strips, which has become a prevalent issue in the credit card industry in the recent years. These chip cards are more secure because they cannot be duplicated. As a result, banks are pushing all merchants to upgrade their payment terminals to accept chip cards.

In the past, if a merchant swiped a fraudulent card, the banks would absorb the costs. Now, if a merchant is not set up with an EMV reader to process chip cards, the bank is holding the merchant responsible. The responsibility to cover the costs for certain types of chip card-related fraud transactions has been shifted to the merchant or party that accepted that payment.

Message 2 of 9

Someone disputed a charge and it was settled and money refunded. The reason given was because I had swiped card instead of using chip reader. Is there any way to find out the name of person who disputed charge so I don't sell to them again?

Message 3 of 9
Square Community Moderator

Hi @aasmd01,


I'm sorry to hear you received a chargeback from one of your customers.


I merged your post with an existing thread in the Community on EMV chargebacks.


There's more information above but we don't have customer's names on file in our system as that is the bank's privileged information.


You can store customers in your Directory before or after a sale to make sure their name is on file moving forward but that has to be manually done on your side.

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 4 of 9

Yeah, I have a list of customers but don't know which one it was. Was hoping Square could share that with me. It sounds like this person scammed the system. She said she didn't authorize charge, not that item was not what she expected or faulty. The reason the decision was made on her favor was because I was still using swipe at the time. So even though she made purchase and signed for it, I had no legal stand since the chip reader was the current standard. So anyone who purchases something and their card is swiped(and not dipped) can deny charge and not have to pay for it. I did switch to chip reader but this "loophole" seems unfair to sellers

Message 5 of 9

Hey @aasmd01.


I understand how frustrating that must be, and I am sorry to hear that the customer may have taken advantage of the situation.


I think it's a good move to start taking payments using the Contactless + Chip Reader. Please feel free to contact us to provide any other insight on your experience throughout the disputes process as a seller. 

Message 6 of 9

Please feel free to contact Square so you can cry on your shoulder because you will not get your money back

Message 7 of 9

It doesn’t matter.

Square will always resolve disputes in customers favor and Steal your hard earned money!!!


Message 8 of 9

Square will still steal your Hard Earned Money 

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