
Can we charge based on hourly use?

If our business model requires charges by houly rate (... $20 per hour at .3 hrs = $6.00 charge) where and how can we set this up.  Our currant invoicing software computates our total hourly billing this way, and upon multipal charges for different task requiring increses or decreces in time provides us a total for the hourly charges.   


The other itemised things such as materials, like nuts or bolts + markup and taxes are also computated and generated within the "Balance Due" total line.


any help or suggestions would be appreciated.



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Message 1 of 62
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Your best bet would be to grab a little desktop timer to track time, and then charge your customer by the hour.




If you need to charge by smaller time quantities than hours, you can select an option from the Precision dropdown:



It wouldn't be possible to automate this using the Square app or your Dashboard, @Serge1.

I hope this helps, but let me know if questions come up!


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Message 53 of 62

I also bill time frequently and have no idea why I can't enter fractional qty's. I mean I understand it's because you don't support it, however I just can't understand why you wouldn't.

Message 43 of 62

Wow, I just started setting up for Square, and I am behoovered at the fact that this setting still does not exist- especially being my business is entirely based off of this type of structure. I'm going to apply for the beta feature though. Please get it together y'all, I know you're working on it- but really. 


Edit: Being I've read more into this- I'm probably not going to be able to utilize it in general, unless I manually add in info and figure some ways around it (like just manually invoicing each individual, etc.). This defeats the entire purpose of using this scheduling system. I want to suggest that calendar integration is embedded, in addition to the option of selecting 'variables', ex; hourly rates, daily rates, etc. Therefore, if a client needs a massage for two hours at 9:00am on Sunday- they will be charged appropriately, and my calendar will book out 9-11am on Sunday. 

Message 44 of 62

Another basic feature Square does not have that just about all invoicing tools have.


This product has some many promising advanced features, but it misses on the basics.

Message 45 of 62

Hello everyone. I am trying to integrate a square card reader to use of my rental buisness. Basically people will be renting a product from my kiosk (automated) and it will charge by the hour, once returned it will stop charging. Is there a way to achieve this?

Message 46 of 62

@Rayh Charging rentals by the hour is a feature that hasn't been developed yet. You'll need to create an variably priced item named rental, for instance, and manually calculate the price at checkout. 


In the meantime, I moved you to a place where we're continuously tracking everyone asking for this feature. We'll update this thread if anything coming up in the future. 


Glad to see you posting in the Community! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 47 of 62

Thank you

Message 48 of 62

As an independent contractor, billing hourly is one of my main sales. Having to put items in as an hourly is time consuming. A way to track and bill hourly would be great. Or even have a spot to put in say 3 hours at a rate of $20 and it automatically calculates and adds to sale 

Message 49 of 62

Any update for charging rentals by hour? My friend has a restaurant business, serving foods and renting a party room. He is looking for new POS, and I recommended Square. But one of major features he needs is charging a room hourly base. For example, a private room is rented from 3:15 PM and 4:30 PM at $40 rate per hour. The system automatically computes hours (1 hour 15 minutes) and charges to a customer ($50). If this feature is available, I will strongly recommend Square. Thank you.

Message 50 of 62

If you setup a custom unit type and call it per hour, then make the accuracy “.00”. Then you will just use a 100th scale for the hours. You can easily find the scale online. Just search “minutes to 100th conversion chart”. I charge $64 an hour for automotive labor and use this all the time. 

Message 51 of 62

Dear friends,

I am planning to open a business where I want to charge customers by the time they use my service.

For example, the customer is swiping his/her CC, pressing a “Start” button and it starts the timer, when customer presses “Stop” button, the counter value is sent to the system and it calculates the amount to be charged, the receipt printer is printing the receipt and the customer puts his signature.

Can it be automated or I need a cashier/operator?

Would you please help me to get an idea how to make it?

Thank you for sharing.  

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Message 52 of 62

Best Answer

Your best bet would be to grab a little desktop timer to track time, and then charge your customer by the hour.




If you need to charge by smaller time quantities than hours, you can select an option from the Precision dropdown:



It wouldn't be possible to automate this using the Square app or your Dashboard, @Serge1.

I hope this helps, but let me know if questions come up!


P.S. Welcome to the Seller Community 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 53 of 62

Thank you for this information.

If I understand correctly, there is no way to automate this operation that it can be done without a cachier. The easiest way, probably, would be taking a card from a customer, swiping it, turning a timer on,  letting castomer to use a service, and stoping the timer when it finishes?

 I have never used this system and it is unclear for me:

  • How long can I keep CC information waiting when the customer finishes?
  • Can I process another customer when the previous one in not processed?
  • I am planning to use free CC reader connected to a cel phone. Do I need to collect customer signatures and how? Do I have to print out receipts and how?

Thanks for your help.

Message 54 of 62

Yes, that is correct, @Serge1.


  • How long can I keep CC information waiting when the customer finishes?

It sounds like you may want to keep your customer's cards on file - learn more here.


  • Can I process another customer when the previous one in not processed?

I'm not sure what this question means, but you can only process one payment at a time. 

I'm unsure what your business model is, but you would need to charge the card after you know how much you want to charge the customer. You would not be swiping the card, then providing a service, then charging at the end. You would be swiping the card (or charging the card on file) after providing a service. The exception here would be if you are using Square Invoices to charge for a service before providing it, or using Square Appointments and requiring prepayment.


  • I am planning to use free CC reader connected to a cel phone.
    Do I need to collect customer signatures and how?
    Do I have to print out receipts and how?

You may have heard that credit card brands are no longer requiring signatures for transactions. This is made possible by improved security/authorization solutions in the credit card processing world, such as chip-enabled cards and EMV card readers. We always recommend a Square Reader for contactless and chip for the safest processing for both you and your customers. If you do want customers to sign and tip, you can learn more about this here.


You do not have to print receipts - you can also send them digitally.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 55 of 62

Say just wanted to say think you for your insights on the  billing conundrum.   I want to pose another question regarding "Form Fields" .. your know like the data inputted by the customer within the forms field, then submitted.  This submitting of the data is parsed and provided in the layout the form owner specs either for CRM data or what not.   Is there anyway to add an additional (10) fields within my GUI Square's platform..?  At the moment, I fussing with FMP 19 Server, and Square API's to get this seamless while a maintaining "I think" proprietary components of the data cashe.      Have you got any  thoughts on the plan..  I need editable definable field at the frontend of the customer's experience..

Message 56 of 62
Square Community Moderator

Hi @TechExpress,


Thanks for reaching out. I am happy to help.  But I want to be honest, I am not quite understanding the request. 


Do you mind clarifying your question one more time. I want to make sure we providing the most accurate information. 

Square Community Moderator
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Message 57 of 62

Yes, sorry im not a writer at all.   Is there anyway to add an additional (10) fields within my GUI Square's platform..? Like this..  where i can add fields that become part of the form data thats handed off to me upon submission.





Message 58 of 62
Square Community Moderator

No worries, sometimes it can be hard trying to explain these things. But I got it!


At this moment there is not a way to add additional fields to the Square Forum for your third party API. This would be a feature request . We would love for you to elaborate your suggestions on our ideate board. Our Product Team is constantly improving our products based on feedback like this.


Let us know if you have additional questions on this inquiry. Happy to assist. 

Square Community Moderator
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Message 59 of 62

How can we get Square to add hourly billing? Threaten to leave to Quickbooks? 😃 (Dead Serious) Other ideas welcome!

Message 60 of 62
Square Champion

Hi @CleanSlate


Would this solution here work for you to add/charge hourly billing? 

Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
Check out Square support center for additional help.

Message 61 of 62

Thanks for the tip, but I don't want to do a workaround and in 2023 I don't think we should have to. Square has the resources and platform already set up to easily add this function.  I just want to see them do it. It would be a win win for everyone.  



Message 62 of 62
This thread has been archived and locked. Please start a new thread if you would like to continue the conversation.