
Can Self-Serve Ordering Be Used for Only Selected Items?

The title of this thread has been edited by a Square Moderator from the original: "Self Serve QR Code for retail on only a few items"


Can I set up a self serve station for only 4 items and generate a QR code that leads to only those 4 items? When I do it, it goes to my whole website, but I do not want that.

Message 1 of 11
Square Champion

Hello @WickedWax !


First, are you using the Self Serve Ordering option (Online Dashboard -> Fulfillment -> Self Serve Ordering) to create your QR code? If you aren't then yes the other way to create a QR code will only take you to your website. You'll need to set up the QR codes on the fulfillment page first.


If you have set up the QR codes on the fulfillment page and it loaded all your items into the webpage, then there is a little bit of legwork you'll have to do to clean it up:


On your Online Dashboard, go to Items -> Site Items.

Click the Filters button, scroll down and select Self Serve Ordering, apply the filter


Now you have a list of every item that is available for self serve. Unfortunately there isn't a batch update procedure right now, so you'll have to go into each item and deselect Self Serve. Once done only the items remaining will show on the QR code.


To make sure this doesn't happen again or to set yourself up so you don't have to go through the steps I just talked about, go to Online Dashboard->Items->Item Preferences and scroll down to the Default Fulfillment Section and deselect Self Serve.


Hope this helps!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 11

So I am having the same issue, I have certain stuff that can be the self ordering and stuff that can't.  Everything you said above I did and the filter list was correct. But when we test it out, it still gives access to all the thing I offer online, not the specific ones I need for self order.

Message 3 of 11
Square Champion

Hi @ButtercupBalm !


When you do a lot of back end changes on your webstore, your web browser may not get fed all the new information. I recommend clearing the cache, force closing the browser, and trying again. Also, double check with other browsers or devices to make sure your changes worked. I’m betting that’s the hang up for you. If not, please reply with your web address and we can take a look too. 

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 4 of 11

I tried to use the QR Code on my husbands phone and it was the full product list, not the limited menu.

I want to use this feature but if it does not work right it will cause more hassles than it is worth.

Message 5 of 11
Square Champion

@ButtercupBalmOkay, that's a little odd, and DUH, I can't check the self serve from where I'm at. *facepalm*


Here's what I'd recommend:

-Make sure any new items aren't defaulting to self serve. Any imports and library sync's may have overridden your changes.

Dashboard -> Online -> Items -> Item Preferences -> Default Item Type

I'd recommend turning off self serve if you have a limited menu. You can add it on a per item basis.

-Turn off self serve ordering on *all* items.

-One by one, enable self serve on the correct items. Yeah, it'll suck doing this individually, but obviously the filter option isn't working for you.


Good thing is once you're all set up, adding items will be a lot easier than this.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 6 of 11

So I went through and did what you said. I turned it off, and checked each item individually. the settings were correct. Even filtering it is correct.


Do I have to be using the actual register system through square? I am using the app on my android tablet with a stand and a separate cash box.


I even contacted support but they have not acknowledged me yet.


I really appreciate your effort to try and help me. I feel like I always have problems with setting things up and getting them to work in Square.

Message 7 of 11

Hi @ButtercupBalm - to use self-serve ordering, you must have a site using the 'Order Online' format. Your site is currently using the Shop All format.


Here are instructions on how to switch:



If you don't want to switch, one option is to create a second site in your account with your selected items, and using the Order Online format. (https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/7088-manage-multiple-websites-with-square-online-store


Then, you can enable self-serve ordering for that site, or simply use a site QR code to get orders. (More info about site QR codes: https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/7142-set-up-self-serve-ordering-and-qr-codes-with-square-onl...)


Message 8 of 11
Square Champion

Well, dang. I didn't know that self serve was only available when in the Order Online format of the webpage, @faheem . Adding that one to my notes!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 9 of 11

Thank you so much. Everything is working great now. I am so excited for my event.

Message 10 of 11


Message 11 of 11