
Can I hide the price per item on an invoice?

[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Aloha ALL!!! I'm new to Square so hopefully this is an easy fix.]


Aloha ALL!!!


I own a construction company.  What I am looking to do is enter each part of the job of the project in the Add item portion of the invoice.  But, I don't necessarily want to show a quantity, price and total for each line/job.  


I would like for the invoice to show a sub total, taxes and then a grand total.


Can somebody assist me with this?


Mahalo and thank you in advance for the help!

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Aloha @ConstructionBOB!


Welcome to Square 🌸


There wouldn't be a way to list the items for the receipt, but then hide the price per item. That's an interesting feature request that I will pass along to the appropriate team.


I did a workaround test, where I put the items as $0 within the Invoice, and then created an item called Total where I input the price of everything. This would only get tricky if you have per-item taxes. It would have to be a tax that is applied to the total (the item you created). The benefit here is you can create "one time use" items for Invoices, so you don't have to add them all to your item library if you don't want to. If you do want to, just leave the price blank when adding the item to your Item Library, so you can fill in the price earlier. The price of those items will appear as "variable" in your Item Library


Anyway, I took a screenshot of my test Invoice so you can see how I did it:



Let me know if this workaround would work for you. If not, maybe I can come up with other suggestions. Please let me know if you have any questions about any of this information. Again, welcome to Square and thanks for posting in the Seller Community! 


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I think this would be a really helpful feature for users in the service industry. Basically if there was a way to add items to an invoice, but but they are hidden to the invoice recipient, that would allow people to add products to a service order and choose to markup appropriately on a job by job basis. Including line items is a way for customers to negotiate and is a bad business practice for those in the services industry. 


Even if it was a group all items toggle for a singular price. Right now invoices are setup for retail, but it would be helpful to include other features to customize invoices for service industry minded businesses.


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