
Instant Profiles are Now Enabled by Default

Hello Seller Community,


We want to let you know of an upcoming change to how you can use Instant Profile to automatically collect customers’ information.


What are Instant Profiles?

Instant Profiles are customer profiles that are automatically created following a transaction. If a customer’s name is collected from their payment card and a matching profile doesn’t already exist within your directory, Square will create an Instant Profile. Future purchases made with that card will update the customer’s profile with new transaction details and other activity with your business.


You can check which customer was created via Instant Profile by filtering for the Instant Profile group within your directory. 


What is changing?

Now, by default, new sellers will see Instant Profiles enabled automatically on their accounts.


For existing sellers: if you’d like to enable this feature, you can do so from your Dashboard or within the Square Point of Sale by following the steps below.


When Instant Profiles are enabled, you are responsible for complying with applicable privacy laws, including maintaining a customer-facing privacy notice regarding the collection and use of your customers’ data.


If you do not comply with applicable privacy laws or if you do not wish to use Instant Profiles, you can turn this feature off at any time in your settings. 


To toggle Instant Profiles On or Off from your Dashboard:

  1. Log in to your online Square Dashboard 
  2. Select Customers > Settings > Instant Profiles.
  3. Toggle Enable Instant Profiles off or on.

To toggle Instant Profiles On or Off from the Square app:

  1. Tap the menu icon from the navigation bar.
  2. Tap Settings > Checkout > Customer Management

Toggle Enable Instant Profiles off or on.


Instant Profile.png


If you have any questions about using Instant Profiles, let us know below.

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Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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