
Feature Request: Allow staff to view their credit card tips without viewing all other reports

Feature Request: Allow staff to view their credit card tips without viewing all other reports

This reply was created from an existing thread: We need a report that shows just the tips earned during a shift that employees can access


We need a report that shows just the tips earned during a shift that employees can access. The new report interface has way too much sensitive information that employees are able to easily access when checking for their tip total. 


I really wish you all would have solved the tip report issue that users have been asking for years instead of spending the time to replicate an online report onto the app. 

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Improvements to the Sales Report in the Square Point of Sale App

@Crosscut I moved your post from this Product Update post.


The Team Management team is actively working to improve this based on the feedback we've heard from sellers. 


In the meantime, as a workaround you can prevent employees from viewing the sales report by unchecking the View Reports permission from the Team Permission/other Team Management role you're using. But that would prevent employees from seeing all reports from your device.


Another option, if you have mobile cashiers, is to give your team members the View all Transactions permission insteadThat way they will only see their own sales from the Transactions section of the app (and they won't be able to see anything from the Sales Report section). It's not a report, but it might help your team to keep track of their sales. 


If you have any questions about this please let me know, or don't hesitate to call our CS team who can help answer account-specific questions

Verified Answer

Re: Credit Card Tips / Reports Privacy

@STBCC Not yet but we are still tracking this feature request, I can see how it would be useful! For now you can view tips from the Employee Sales Report or Transactions section of your online Square Dashboard.

47 Replies

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Credit ard tips/reports privacy


I'm wondering if there is a way to let employees view their credit card tips at the end of their shift, without viewing all of the "Reports" data?  Our current policy is that they take their credit card tips in cash at the end of their shift, but that is only possible because I fully trust the current employees and am not worried about them seeing all of the sales data, each other's tips, etc.  I'm not sure that will always be the case, though. (Knock on wood.)


I would like to suggest, also, that there be a tips counter that you can reset periodically throughout the day, or perhaps the ability for individuals to log in to "assign tips," where it is not necessarily tied to whoever's clocked in as working, but a separate clock in entirely.  Not all employees are on the counter at all times, and sometimes there is overlap, so clocking into Tips would be an extremely helpful feature when someone jumps in to counter service for someone else's break, or to help during a rush, and they don't have to review every transaction if they forgot to look at where the tips left off. So yea...please consider adding a "Tips" tab/login/something!


@Kt - Thanks so much for taking the time to share your suggestion. It sounds like this could definitely be a great tool for businesses who regularly handle tips. While we don't currently offer a limited tipping view just for employees, I'll share the suggestion with our product liaison team. 


As for the second request, are you currently using Cash Drawer Management? It sounds like you could record a "Cash Paid In" to handle your cash tips for now. 


Thanks again!



Hi there, do you have any updates on the view tips option only? We have a lot of sales data that should not be seen by our 120 + employees. We are looking to enable tipping for them but only will do so if there is a "tip only viewing" feature. Thanks!


Hi @smoc, sorry to see you haven't received a response yet! This isn't a feature we offer at this time but thank you for chiming in. We'll update here if that changes in the future. Let us know if you have any other questions!

I would like employees to be able to pay out tips at the end of the shift, currently the only place to see current tips is the entire Sales Report.  I do not want my entire staff to have access to that information and I cannot be there for every moment during open hours to manage it.


Splitting tips at the end of the week is an option, however I feel like some employees work hard at relationships and giving exceptional service earn better tips.



I agree-- certain team members should be able to see the total tips without viewing the entire sales report. I have requested this feature in the past before and Square says they are working on it. I would like to see if there are any updates on this request. 


I do see how useful it would be to let employees view tips without seeing the entire sales report @Nicole425 and @sminc — and I understand how it would help you run your business efficiently, 


I don't have a timeline for when this feature will be available but I've shared your feedback with our Product team. We'll announce any updates! It's really helpful for the team to know how you'd use this feature so thanks again for your posts!

Can you tell me if this has been resolved so that there is some way an employee can find their tips without viewing the sales reports?

I have removed my employees ability to do tip pay outs and they all pool credit card tips weekly.  It’s frustrating for the ones who really earn the tips, however I haven’t seen or heard of a change yet.  In fact, I spoke with someone from Square on the phone and it didn’t seem like a priority of their’s at all. 

Has this feature been added yet? Would be very useful!