[Improvement] Retail: Additional Features for the Sell-Through Report

In June 2022, we launched The Sell-Through Report. 


Now, we’re excited to announce that the sell-through report now allows for:



The sell-through report can be exported by pressing the Export button in the top right corner of the screen. The exported sheet will take into consideration any filters or sorting applied within the report page.


Filter by Vendor 

The ability to filter the entire report by the Vendor that supplied an item. 


6M + 1Y Lookback 

The report can now be filtered by The Last 6 Months and The Last 12 Months



On the far right of every item row there is an Actions column that allows you to take one of the following actions on that item.

  • Order More
  • View Purchase Order
  • Apply a discount
  • Create a marketing campaign
  • Reprice item
  • Edit low stock alert
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