Card payment processing is now available for associations, clubs and NFPs
Card payment processing is now available for associations, clubs and NFPs

Associations, clubs and NFPs using either an “Other Incorporated Entity” or “Other Unincorporated Entity” ABN can now sign up for payments with Square 🥳


For more information on how to sign up please check the following guides:


Sign up with an Incorporated Association Entity

Sign up with an Unincorporated Association Entity




I already started creating a Square account previously. How do I continue the sign up process?


You’ll need to log into your Square Dashboard, then click “Verify information to start accepting payments”. This will take you to the next step of the onboarding process, where you’ll need to provide some personal information, before you’ll be asked to supply more information about the organisation and its key position holders.


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When I log into my dashboard it comes up with a message saying “You have nothing to manage”.


This means you’ve manually deactivated your account in the past. To reactivate it you’ll need to call our support team on 1800 760 137. Lines are open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Melbourne time. Alternatively, you can simply sign up again using a different email address,



What information will I need to provide?


Other Incorporated Entity ABNs


Business information:


  • Provide basic business information, including the incorporated ABN
  • Annual General Meeting Minutes: Upload a PDF copy of the most recent meeting minutes showing the election of office holders, including President, Treasurer and Secretary.
  • Certificate of Incorporation: Upload if applicable to your association. You can find this on the Australian Securities and Investment Commission website.
  • Provide the Incorporation Registration Number. You can also find this via the ASIC website. Note: You can only search by association name, not the ABN.

Personal Information:

  • Verify the account holder’s identity by providing their name, current residential address, and date of birth using a valid driver licence, passport, or Medicare card.
  • Verify the President and Treasurer, and identify the Secretary (or equivalent positions) . For this step, you need to provide the full name, date of birth and current residential address for the President and Treasurer, and the full name of the Secretary of your association. Make sure you have that individual’s consent to provide this information to us.


Other Unincorporated Entity ABNs


Business Information:


  • Provide basic business information, including the Unincorporated ABN. 
  • Provide Annual General Meeting (AGM) minutes: Upload a PDF copy of the most recent AGM minutes, showing the election of office holders, including President, Treasurer and Secretary.

Personal Information:

  • Verify the account holder’s identity by providing the full name, current address, and date of birth using a valid driver licence, passport, or Medicare card.
  • Verify the President, Treasurer, and Identify the Secretary. For this step, you will be asked to provide the full name, date of birth and residential address for the President and Treasurer, and the full name of the Secretary of your association.



Why do I need to provide this information?


Square is obligated to request and verify the above information when onboarding clubs, associations and NFPs under the AML/CTF Act.



Please let us know if you have any further questions or comments via this thread. We can't wait to start seeing more associations, clubs and NFPs using Square to take card payments 🙂