
Feature Request; Adjust Auto Timeout on Dashboard

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: auto sign out


Hi all


Just wondering if there's a way to alter the automatic sign out duration or an option to disable it somehow?  I infrequently visit my Square login, so I have to keep logging in each time, and even with a password manager it just adds to the time.  This is all on Desktop by browser. 

Phone and tablet on iOS stay logged in with no problems.



Message 1 of 13
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Square Champion

It’s best to keep it on really even if it was possible to turn it off, all your payment details and website information are stored there and you wouldn’t want someone getting at it 

Matt - He/They
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Message 2 of 13
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Maybe even a simple tick box to remember me and the option to alter the sign out duration?


Nobody will be accessing the computer that I use as I am a one man organisation.  Even when I did have a retail store, the software we used which included POS had the option to set the time out delay - I just think it would be a good idea.

Or if concerned, what about the inclusion of a PIN for protection against secure areas?

Message 3 of 13
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Hi @pbarnfield, thanks for your post! While the Square Point of Sale app does have the option for a PIN code and adjusting the timeout delay, the Dashboard is slightly different. As the Dashboard is the admin portal to all your Square details, it does need to be more secure which is why there isn't a way to adjust the timeout.


I completely understand that each business does operate differently and in some cases no one else will get access to your computer except for yourself. I will feed this back to our team so they can be cognisant of different business setup. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 4 of 13
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Maybe an option for feedback there is an "App equivalent" to run on a desktop environment or via browser - thus using a short PIN or adjustment of delay etc.

Message 5 of 13
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Square Champion

Hi @tranguyen 


If the decision has been made to force the user to auto-timeout on Dashboard, why isn't the same policy applied to POS, where admin is currently permitted to disable auto-timeout? Presumably, because permissions allow admin to restrict access to certain areas of the app via a four digit pin every time the user accesses those restricted parts. Therefore, the solution is to provide similar functionality in Dashboard.



Message 6 of 13
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Hey @nella, thanks for checking on this request.


I had another look on my end but it doesn't seem like there is any upcoming updates scheduled in regards to this. 


The Dashboard and Point of Sale app does differ in that you can added a four-digit passcode and restrict certain permissions. Additionally, there are more features and settings that are accessible on Dashboard and not on the Point of Sale app, which makes it even more important that it's fully secured. I can definitely see how adding the four-digit pin function to Dashboard can help with this as well, so I'll surface this with the team again. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 7 of 13
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I am a new user and find the auto logout time way too short. Working from home, my security issues are different and I'd like to be able to set a time that better works for me. 

Message 8 of 13
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Square Champion

Keeping data secure and private is essential, but the auto-timeout on the Dashboard is unnecessarily short. This means the user has to login multiple times a day which wastes his time.


For the user working in a secure/private environment where the possibility of someone else gaining access to the Dashboard due to the user being away from his desk is non-existent. This is also made possible by the user's OS screen lock system, which if set appropriately locks after a few minutes; and for Chrome OS and Windows which uses the user's smartphone as a proximity device, locking and unlocking the screen is instantaneous when he is away and then returns. Therefore, a strict auto-timeout feature in Dashboard is unnecessary. 


Please provide a way that admin can edit the number of minutes, on a user by user basis, before Dashboard does an auto-timeout. 

Message 9 of 13
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Square Champion

Also, the user will likely be using a password manager of some sort (if he is using his own device) which auto-completes the password field anyway, so auto-timeout as a security measure is redundant.

Message 10 of 13
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Square Champion

Hi @tranguyen 


Please advise if improvements are scheduled in this area? We have just learnt that any unsaved work is lost when auto-timeout kicks in!


Feature request: continuously auto save all screens, eg invoices.


Thank you.

Message 11 of 13
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Hi everyone, I just want to share an update on this! While there isn't a way to fully disable the auto timeout on Dashboard, the team have worked to lengthen the default session so it'll take a longer period of inactivity before you are logged out (roughly over an hour).

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 12 of 13
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Square Champion

Good news. A step in the right direction. 


Now, if they can just improve page load times, we're cooking.

Message 13 of 13
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