
Getting more reports

My name is Adrienne and I own a food truck and I'm also an accountant.  I would like to see more reports made available to use.  The reports I only get now are sales.  As an accountant I would like the ability to have profit and loss reports, accounts receivable & payable, returns/vendor returns and cost of goods.  There are so many more.  Would anyone else be interested in voicing the concern with me so that maybe these reports can become built in the platform we have available to use. Retail shouldn't be the only business to have the reports that we all could use. I know it would make my life easier to get everything in Square and not have to pay for quickbooks just to get the reports.

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Hi @Thehotdoghideou - thanks for your post 👋 


There are around 19 reports that are available with Square Point of Sale that aim to provide you with analytics and reporting details for your business. 

If you find that you need more detailed reports, then we would suggest switching to Square for Retail Plus to make use of the advanced reporting features that you mentioned such as Projected Profit and Cost of Goods Sold. 

You can still adapt the Retail software to your food truck. 


Otherwise, I would definitely suggest raising a feature request for the reporting features you are interested in seeing within Square Point of Sale. 

Please be sure to include some details about how you'd use this in your business day-to-day - it really helps highlight why a given feature request should be prioritised. 



Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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