

has anyone been told there is a requirement on your checking account

Message 1 of 4

There are requirements for evey bank, for instant my bank does not accept the instant deposit for some reason it will not accept that option.  So I just have to wait the 24-hour sir or whatever. I would go straight to your bank, explain the situation because they probably have the information that you need and either documentation or what the bank requires to accept payments from Square D.

Message 2 of 4

the problem isn't with my bank, square left the wrong information on my assount with them, they told me it was a computer problem on line, square will not change my information for my 2015 tax form cause they don't like my choise of bank account, when i started with square there was no requirement for checking information. now cause they submitted the different information the irs is wanting tax money , square could fix this but they refuing to do so cause of are checking account.   Square still hasn't told people that this could happen to them if they don't have a checking account that square doesn't like. the account are company has been using for over 20 years has no problem with the deposit and square did deposit money in to the account.  the account has are company name on it and the company location as required . but square claimes it is listed as a personal checking account. if the irs has no problem why does square have problem. but for the person that ordered the reader and open the square account is going to have problems with the irs causethey will not change the information and submitt it to get the irs off her back .

Message 3 of 4

Hello @Peabody830, I can provide some clarification. If you have a personal checking attached to your Square account we will not be able to change your 1099-K. We only report the information you've provided to us to the IRS.


You can check which account is linked in your Square Dashboard under Account & Settings. If a business name is listed for the account you shouldn't have any trouble correcting your 1099-K. 


If you haven't already you might need to seek help from a tax professional. 


I hope this helps! 

Message 4 of 4