
Would anyone like to give me feedback on my website?

Hello! Would anyone like to check out my website and give me some feedback? I just started and I feel as if I am headed in a good direction, however I just would like some friendly feedback to make sure! My website link is posted below!




Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

Hi @MessyMakesArt.  First, I wish you well as you embark upon your career!  I’m sure it is both exciting and nerve-wracking!  LOL.  Now to your inquiry.


Overall, your web site looks good and makes sense!  It also presents a mental picture of who you are, which I think is one of your goals.  The navigation is coherent.  I’m going to make a couple of notes.  Some of them are about page organization and others about content.  All of them are pretty minor, but with web sites, the devil is in the details!


  1. Home Page — of course, I realize that adult language and themes are part of what you create and are asked to create.  But, if you are going to include f-bombs, remember that there are underage ones who will find your site.  Blur out offensive words.  Yes, everyone knows that is there, but it shouldn’t be in their faces, I don’t think.
  2. In the navigation bar, there is no need for a link called “Home.”  These days, I think everyone knows that clicking on your logo/business name automatically takes them home.  Save the real-estate for something else!
  3. You have donation requests in two places.  In my opinion including the request on the About Page might hit some people as excessive since your navigation bar has a very clear “Donate” link.
  4. On your About page, you might want to include a more hires photo.  I like the photo a lot, but on my iPad it is very fuzzy and almost distracting.  
  5. This one I consider a Square oversight.  But you can fix it easily.  The Gift Card link in the navigation bar does not automatically open in a new tab, and so when someone clicks it they are no longer in your website.  To fix this, edit your site, click on the Nav Bar in the editor, select Navigation (click twice), then Navigation links.  Edit the entry “Gift card” and toggle the “Open link in a new tab” option on.  This will cause that nav link to open in a separate tab, preserving your web site in the other tab.

Like I said, you have a great start here.  Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need anything further.  I’ll do my best!




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Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 2 of 3

So sorry it took so long to reply! Thank you so much for your feedback it is exactly what I was looking for! Also, thank you so much for taking the time to review my page and give me feedback! I will definitely take all of your notes into consideration, and will use them to help improve my site!


Thank you so much,

Messy Makes Art

Message 3 of 3