
Transfer Report bummer

We are a church and use Square for donations.   I use to just print the Deposit reports to post into the checking account and then go back and look at each transaction so I could post to a contribution account for each cardholder.   However, the new Transfer Report does NOT let you look at each individual transaction so I have to go back into Transactions to look at the name on the CC.   Its a pain in the keester that the name isnt available with the days deposit but a real pain when I cant just stay on one screen but have to go out and go to another.   I understand this is a POS that we are making work for the church but quit changing reports on us....  IF you have one that shows the deposit for the day AND includes the CC holders name...I WOULD JUMP FOR JOY!!

Thank you

Leta Lou

Message 1 of 5

Hey there, @CCCC - sorry the new Transfers reports has caused some confusion. 


However, the details included in the deposit report hasn't changed from before -  you're still able to view the list of transactions included in each Transfer by simply scrolling down on the Transfer details panel that pops out to the right of your screen once you select a Transfer to view. The breakdown of payment has always lived in the Transactions tab. 


With that said, I understand how the customer's name being visible in the Transfers Reports is beneficial and streamlines reporting. For now, you'll need to jump to the Transactions report to view the cardholder's name if it has been captured. 


Thanks for the feedback and I'll be sure to bubble your post up through the appropriate channels ! 






Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 5

Dear Justin,

When I print the transfer report, I get 1 character of detail name for each card transaction in the batch.  This is NOT helpful.  The old print function gave the full detail. This requires me to manually go back and note every single client name. 


This is ridiculous for what I pay in transaction fees. You built a system that might work for coffee shops, but it FAILS for businesses that need to track client payments.

Message 3 of 5

Is there any update on this?  We also need to track customer data with the credit card purchases.  Thanks!

Message 4 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Hello @Camp4Fun thanks for reaching out, I am happy to help!


There have not been any changes to the data that is available on our reporting. To protect customer information and privacy our system will not show you any information about the customer unless it has been entered by you in the Customer Directory. As Justin mentioned earlier we do understand the need for this request but to be completely honest at this time I don't see us changing the policy on this. 


I am so sorry for any inconvenience! Please let me know if you have any other questions.



Square Community Moderator
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