
Sq users what do you think about the new charges.

Small business owner and I got into square because it was 2.75 fee for ever and ever.  Well noticed my fees went up starting Nov 2019.  Yes, I got the memo, but dang.  Ran the number and even with 2.65 plus .10 per swipe, it's costing me 3.9% average.  Well there goes 2.75 fee for ever and ever statement.  


I called Sq and talked to them about my situation and they said I don't qualify.  I get 100 plus swipes a day for a small deli add that up and it's real money.


Well, I guess I'll have to start looking for another credit card company.  That's just my 2 cents worth for today.  


What to do you think.  Please comment.  Thanks.

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