
Serious Square Register Tablet Issues

My customers have been complaining about simple issues that I would think, would be easy to fix. 


1) When customers are entering their info into the tablet, they always type their first name and click "done", not "next". The next button is too small and hidden while the DONE button is highlighted. It's very annoying.

2) There are too many data fields for the customers to fill out. Can we customize these? We don't need to know where they work or their home address. People get very frustrated and always ask "why do you need to know where I live?". It's kinda unprofessional to ask something like that in our area of work. 

3) If the customer already filled out their customer profile, why do they need to type their phone number or their email address in a second time to get an email receipt? 

4) Can we permanantly disable sales tax for certain items?

5) Can we get text marketing? I have 8,000 customers from my old POS system and I never collected emails. It would be nice to let all of our previous customers know that we moved to a new location after 11 years. 

6) The text on the tablet is too big... combined with a keyboard that takes up 80% of the screen, customers have a hard time figuring out what and where they are typing. 

7) There's no typing cursor to let customers know where they are typing.. they keep clicking the "first name" field waiting for the blinking cursor. 


These small changes could make this system so much better. I paid a lot of money for this to make my customers happy but we just keep getting complaints. 

Message 1 of 10
Beta Member

I've had our Register for a little over a month, and agree with every single observation about it that you make about it's UI. I was initialy told by support that I should be able to disable the birthday and work fields, but then never got a good answer as to how. The entry process for new customers is extremely tedious, and I need to walk customers through it each and every time.


Regarding tax, it is possible to set the tax rate on an item by item basis. On the Register terminal itself, if you are editing an item, the tax information needs to be scrolled into view. There is no indication that part of the item options are off screen until you try scrolling. I have a wholesale tax rate, a GET rate, and no tax for items shipped out of state, and can enable them on an item by item basis. You can also edit this within a transaction.

Message 2 of 10

Hi @Crashmasters - Thanks for all this feedback! The team is closely tracking posts like yours since Register is so new. I'll be sure to share this post with them. I have a few answers for your points below!


2. You should be able to customize the number of fields customers fill out. I know having the customer fill out SO MANY fields can back up lines and be awkward for them. Here is the settings area in your dashboard: https://squareup.com/dashboard/customers/settings/profiles

3. The phone number/email address should auto populate once the customer has filled that info in (usually during their second visit). Is this not what you're experiencing?

4. Here are instructions for setting up taxes on your Register: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hI5aVUAiHI&feature=youtu.be Thanks also to @glyph for an answer on this one 🙂

5. Text marketing isn't a feature yet, but we're tracking interest closely!

6. No current modifications for text size right now 😞

Message 3 of 10
Beta Member

@katieand Those field preferences have no effect on my system. I have them all turned off, yet they still are asked where they work and what their birthday is. I've sent logs in, at the request of support, but never got an answer as to why they continue to show up.

Message 4 of 10

Interesting - let me see if I can follow up for you. Can you send me a PM with some more info on what you had sent over to our team?

Message 5 of 10

Ok, Thank you 🙂 


2) Those have been disabled, yet I still have several lines of info that's not needed. 

3) I create the customer profile and then process the transaction. It asks for the email and the phone number to be typed in, even though it's saved in their profile. People get really annoyed with it. 

4) Ok, thanks 🙂

5) Based off some posts I've read on here... it's been a feature people have been requesting for years. Is this a possibility or just going to be put in the "to do" folder and archived? lol

6) Text size is really needed for the size of the tablet screen. 😞 

Message 6 of 10

For the customer info, there are a couple of fields that cannot be removed (like birthday), but you can hard delete the ones you don't want by click the three dots next to the options in that link I posted earlier. You can also go into Settings --> Customer Management --> See two options for "Collect Before Checkout" / "Collect After Checkout" to disable those options on your Register.


For the customer profile, you may just want to have them fill that out in the customer dispaly first and see if it cuts down on that second entry.

Message 7 of 10

That's the first thing I have them do... it still asks for their email address to receive an email reciept. 

Message 8 of 10

@Crashmasters If it seems like your customers are being prompted to enter their information multiple times please make a note of the customer's information and the time and date of their transaction. Then call our CS team so we can walk through exactly what's happening, and escalate this to our engineering team. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 9 of 10
Beta Member

We also have this system and the points listed are all items we have issues with as well.


We inform our customers that we are using a new system and it is taking a little time to get use to and set-up. Most are okay with this. But they do get annoyed when they have to keep putting their email address in for a receipt. It looks like it asks for it every time, but I will keep an eye on it to see if it truly happens each time. It does happen after we just asked for their info when we manually put it in.

Message 10 of 10