
My New Square Register Review

We were lucky enough to get our hands on a couple of the New Square Registers and we've been using them for a couple of weeks now, so here's my completely unbiased review of the sweet new hardware.





+ Appearance:
Holy cannoli this thing is beautiful. The dark gray metal, the huge screens, the beautiful angles, it's an absolute marvel that definitely classes up our shop. While looks aren't everything, they absolutely help. We're big fans.


+ Dedicated System:

We really love that all this thing is and does is a register. No more dealing with locking down the iPad or worrying about my employees doing other things on it. It automatically reboots everynight in case there's a new update, and if it does it updates automatically.





+ Customer Facing Display:

This is the real reason we got this thing, the customer facing display is worth its weight in gold. No more customers asking us to go back and tell them how much each thing costs, and ask again for the total, it's all right there in front of them, updating as we ring things up. The customer is responsible for putting in their own card, which frees up my employees to bag things up, and lowers risk of my employees forgetting to give them the card back. And if the customer puts in the card the wrong way, it tells them that and shows them how to put it in the right way. Genius!


We also love that it can either be docked on the back of the register or connected with a wire. While when it's docked it makes it a little harder if you need to override anything, or swipe to load up a gift card, it's not too bad.


The display is also a touch screen of course, so the customer can sign if needed, choose their own receipt method, type in their own phone number or email, and all that! We'd love to be able to customize the receipt screen in the future which is not available yet (we don't want them to be able to print a receipt) but that's hopefully coming. We use the Loyalty system, so the customer can claim their own stars and type in their own phone number which is a huge time saver and puts the onus on the customer to interact, rather than just us. While this screen and system can use a bit of work and polish to make it easier and less cumbersome, we love the potential and cant wait to see what this thing can do in the future.





+ Bigger Screen:

We've been begging for a bigger screen ever since we got our first Square running iPad. There's room for more text under each item, and the text is all bigger which makes readability incredibly easy. It's also nice having the permanent side bar with pages and categories all there all the time. It takes a bit of getting used to the pages being on the side instead of the bottom, but it's easy enough.


- It's still new:

Most of my complaints and issues with this lie in the fact that it's a really really new device that's not even fully in stock yet. There's so much new tech and new possibilities with this thing that it takes time to polish things and develop software and processes that fully take advantage of what it can do. But from what I've seen with Square over the past 5 years of using it, this thing is going to be even better than it is pretty soon. It all can be fixed with software updates.


- The Fees:

While I don't like the new fee structure, since my average transaction sizes make it so I pay more for fees with this than with a standard iPad, to us all of the benefits are worth it. We're hoping to hit the mark soon, so we can apply for lower rates, and having a customer facing display that makes it really apparent that we accept credit cards should help us get there!


Hope this helps! Overall we're in love and we're glad we got them!

Let me know if you have any questions!





UPDATED: 2-9-18


Another 2 months of use, and we love them just as much as before. Still some kinks left to work through, but they've already improved a bunch of bugs that were bugging us.


We love the Register so much, we got ourselves a third one!

After some sweet slight renovations this winter here's our updated setup!


We got a wider, shallower, and taller Register Counter to fit 2 side by side with the cash drawer inside with no pesky wires showing, and got rid of the glass for a more open, airy, modern, inviting, and interactive vibe. We love it!


We're also now promoting our Stickers and Gift Cards with the little Table Marker stands which puts them right into view of customers and has already helped us sell more!




Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 1 of 77
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Thank you for writing this review, @pessosices! Our team is always at work to keep improving how Register operates - thank you for being patient and realizing that it takes time. I'll share your review with the product team to make sure they see your feedback. 


Also, "Holy cannoli this thing is beautiful." is my new favorite Seller Community quote! 😂 

View Best Answer >

Message 2 of 77

Congrats on the decision @bradymiguel! No timeline on an integration, but you can check out a conversation between our Register team and the community on this thread. They address some of the feature requests there. 

Message 64 of 77

I'm ordering my unit first thing in the morning but can anyone tell me whether Square for Retail adds much value?  I don't need to keep up with inventory and that seems to be the primary benefit.  Thanks!

Message 65 of 77
Square Champion

inventory and tracking of POs and such are some of the main Square for retail features.  So if you don't find that useful it probably isn't worth paying extra for it.  The interface is completely different in Square for Retail too with it being barcode based and doing away with the visual front end of Square POS and picking your items from a grid.

Message 66 of 77

Just received mine today but it's smaller than I thought.  Are the ones in your pictures 8x12.5?  If so is there any way to have a larger screen?

Message 67 of 77

Hello, I ordered mine in February, and it is the same dimension. I had the same initial reaction re: the size, but it workes well for me. Great visibility of the nav bar, grids, checkout space. Overall, it works well for me and I have received a lot of compliments from the customers re: the customer screen and the rate of CC processing. So far so good. 

Message 68 of 77

Hello @pessosices  Thanks for the great review.   How are the registers working for you now three years later?  Have you used the new free restaurants app on them yet?   We just installed two and like them very much except for some freezing up of the screen at random times and also that the square for restaurants app will crash and restart in the middle of a transaction.  Hopefully Square will fix these issues soon.  Otherwise super happy with these. 

Message 69 of 77



We still absolutely love the Registers all of these years later.

We haven't used Square for Restaurants just because our workflow doesn't need it.


There has been some lag lately, but apparently it's a known issue and is something that's being worked on.

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 70 of 77

We have found the register develop significant lag every 3-8 months.  It is simply a matter of occasionally do a factory reset on the affected register.

Message 71 of 77

Thanks @pessosices@MichiganFarmsta Do you use it with sq. restaurants? 

we have factory reset ours a few times to no avail. 

Message 72 of 77

we do not use square for restaurants.

Message 73 of 77

How do you do a factory reset?

Message 74 of 77
Square Community Moderator

Hey @Rshs


Great question! Take a look at how you can reset your register here


Let me know if you have any other questions. 

Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 75 of 77

Thank you! Our 3 square registers are using 1Gb of data a day which is just ridiculous. Hoping resetting will reduce it. Any other suggestions?

Message 76 of 77
Square Community Moderator

@Rshs, Keeping the Square Register up to date and resetting it should help. This has some very general information related to Data Plans, take a look.


Let us know how it goes. 




Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 77 of 77