
Loyalty Reward Limit?

SO frustrated at customers taking advantage and splitting up their items into different transactions so they can use a reward for each one (because our 10% off maxes out at $20).... Square PLEASE make a limit option on so we don't have to personally cut customers off from using more than one reward a day. 

Also - PLEASE make it so the reward discount does not apply to already discounted items. UGH

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This has become a problem for us too. We have a point based loyalty system - 1 point per $1 spent. After 100 points, customers get a $3 reward. Many customers have now figured out they can split their large transactions into 3+ transactions to earn rewards then use them on next subsequent transaction instead of buying everything in 1 transaction. Yes, I know, they still would earn the same amount of points total, but the point of the loyalty program is to get them back in the door on a future visit, not reap the rewards all at the same time. This could easily be fixed by Square by putting some sort of time restriction, as in points rewarded 4 hours after transaction. Please, Square, consider making an option for your customers to do something like this. Or at the very least the option to limit customers to one loyalty reward per day.

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