
Having trouble getting online orders page to load

For the past few weeks I've been having problems with the square online (weebly) orders page to load.  I've been having to print from the home page in square but I prefer to print my orders from the online page.  Any help would be appreciated.

Message 1 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hi @nritz,


Thanks for writing in to raise this with us, we'd be happy to take a look at this with you.


I just want to confirm that the issue here is with the Orders page not loading and not that there is an issue with orders being received, correct?

Secondly, are you seeing the orders appear as normal when accessing the Orders page from your Dashboard but not from the Orders page from the Square Online Dashboard? 

How long does it take before you're able to load your orders from the Square Online Dashboard?


While we wait for you to get back to us here, we ask that you try these Dashboard Troubleshooting steps in the meantime.

We'll keep a lookout for your reply!

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 2 of 4

I did all the troubleshooting steps.  It still is a crap shoot if it loads, which is most of the time "not".  

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for giving the troubleshooting steps a try here, @nritz!

Given that your Square Online site is password protected, it's difficult for us to test this behaviour from our side. What I recommend is that you reach out directly to our Support Team in this instance and connect with one of our Square Online specialists who will be able to run some tests and take a closer look at your Square Online Orders page with you.

We've gone ahead and ensured you'll be able to access phone support when calling in from the number listed on your Square account. Please reach out to our team directly when they return to the office on Monday.

You can reach out at 1-855-700-6000 between 6 am - 6 pm Pacific Time Monday - Friday. 

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 4 of 4