
Get to Know Some Inspiring Square Sellers: Harris & Smith Coffee Co.


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Harris & Smith Coffee Company began as a coffee catering company in 2015 and opened up a full brick and mortar coffee shop and retail store in 2017. They graciously answered some questions about their business to share with the Seller Community as our first in the "Get to Know Inspiring Sellers" series. 


What is the best piece of business advice you've received?


An imperfect marketing plan/product/service is better than none. Even if your product packaging isn't perfect, or the advertising and branding isn't quite how you envision it, having an active plan and regularly engaging with your customers is the most important factor in whether your business succeeds.


How do you stay current/competitive as a business?


We block off time each day for research. This includes reading business forums & facebook groups, tracking down interesting influencers on instagram and other social media, and looking at our own data in Square. We also read and respond to all reviews on Google, Tripadvisor, Yelp, and Facebook. This is extremely time-consuming but keeps our business profiles active and current!


What Square products do you use?


We use the Square Stand, and the Square reader for our pop-up booths at events. We also use both the Loyalty and Marketing programs.


Where do you get ideas to bring in more customers/clients?


We are located in a tiny town near the U.S./Mexico border in Arizona and we have two primary customer groups. The first is locals, who live here year round. As a result, we work really hard to maintain good relationships with our daily local customers through the Square loyalty program and special promotions.


The second group is tourists going to the beaches in Mexico. We are working to tap into the travel economy more and more through looking at what others in the tourism industry do to advertise: hotels, restaurants, and visitors centers. One of our recent projects has been to order inexpensive rack cards and drop them off at all the travel stops, hotels, and visitors centers that would take them in about a 70-mile radius from our shop. The rack cards have a coupon so that we can track how many of our new customers find us through these travel stops.


How did you find out about the Seller Community? Do you have any suggestions for how to improve it?    


We found the Seller Community through looking up information about Square-compatible about barcode scanners, which we hope to add to our shop soon for better tracking and selling of our retail items! The Seller Community is very helpful to us, but many of the forums are technical forums about how to troubleshoot or set up Square systems. It would be really great to see more forums about how other businesses are using Square to increase sales, and to learn about different ways to increase customer frequency using the loyalty program.


Thank you to Taylor and Harris & Smith Coffee Co.!


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Message 1 of 12

Thank you @harriscoffee for taking the time to do this interview! I love the idea of using the Community to talk about how folks are using Square to increase sales, and also what tactics people use (in general!) to get more sales and more customers using Loyalty.


I also like what you said about keeping those relationships with your regular local customers strong. What kinds of promotions do you do for them? 

Message 2 of 12

@harriscoffee Could you tell me what "rack cards" are?  Where do you find out about them, ect.

Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with us.

Message 3 of 12

Hi @omascoffeeshop


Rack cards are promotional cards usually found at visitor's centers and hotels. Here is an example from Vistaprint, which is where we ordered ours: https://www.vistaprint.com/marketing-materials/rack-cards?xnav=swsProductOnly_ResultTitle&rd=1 


We put a coupon on these and keep track of how many come back to us. We also put these in places that only tourists or new customers are likely to go (so that regulars do not use the same coupons over and over). 

Message 4 of 12

@harriscoffee Thank you so much!

Message 5 of 12

This is good to know for my future plans.  Thanks for the post and link to show what it looks like.

Message 6 of 12

No problem @davidb711!

Message 7 of 12

Hi @Kpay,


For our local customers, we really push our Loyalty program (and we can't wait for the day when Square lets us give bonus stars on certain purchases!). We also send out emails and facebook posts from time to time that have Buy1Get1 or "Free coffee with the purchase of..." promotions that only the people who are engaging with us on social media will get.


We also work with our staff to encourage them to learn regular customers' names and be able to greet them personally, which is an ongoing process but has really given us a strong reputation in customer service.

Message 8 of 12

Have you been able to find a "kitchen" printer that is compatible with Square that prints onto a sticker to put on the cup for the drink order to be made?

Message 9 of 12

We have never tried @316coffeetogo! We have our cashier write the order on our cups directly as she puts them into the point of sale, then hands them over to the barista who reads the orders and makes the drinks.

Message 10 of 12

I was also wondering about one.


Message 11 of 12

Thanks for starting this series @katieand -

I'm looking forward to future postings.


For a Kitchen printer that can handle stickers,  @316coffeetogo @omascoffeeshop @harriscoffee

you might try the Star Micronics 700II


I know that that 700 model integrates with Square so I would imagine the 700II would as well.

This can print both a reciept and a sticker from each order, if that helps.


Happy brewing 🙂

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